“Faith, Belief & VICTORY”

John Walter Raney 1st
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2021


Images above provided by the Author

The Peace Of God that surpasses all understanding certainly rested upon my soul and kept me firmly in his light and in his faith these past eight months , my life truly has nothing to do with me but with what he chooses for me, and the path that’s set firmly at my feet.

Believing in the unseen, and having that faith that when I stepped off that ledge I would not fall but fly, I believe everyone reading this is blessed beyond measure, for knowing that our lives are far beyond our physical bodies and the vanity that comes with the approval of other flawed men and women, it was my spirit that was filled up by God’s beauty around me, and it will always be my spirit which defines who I am.

Reaching for validation of physical vanity is almost sad to watch, especially in these times, because the truth to their faith and any small true spirituality that may dwell within them is lost in the seeking of the approval of others for their worldly appearance, grasping at straws when all they need to truly be grounded is to look within themselves and find out that their outer beauty fades, but their inner beauty shall always be growing brighter and brighter.

I pray we all emerge from this year with a true appreciation of the strength that lies within us all, and the strength of our spirit which is eternal and will continue to grow past this physical lifetime. God Bless you all and all those you love and cherish on this day and always🙏Amen to that

Stay safe, smart & healthy and if I’m fortunate enough, I shall meet you on that one true path

John Walter Raney 1st

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John Walter Raney 1st

I am a writer, investor, with a passion for life across many varied interests and life paths, https://mysonskingdom.medium.com/subscribe