Far Away from Home

Published in
Jan 26, 2024
Photo by Rafael Feroli on Unsplash

At the terminal, the final call echoes, “SQ 469, boarding now.”

A flutter of excitement for what lies ahead, a journey anew.

Yet, amidst the hustle, a pang of longing quietly grows.

Nostalgia weaves through my thoughts,

The warmth of my mother’s meals, a comfort lost in time.

Laughter of my father, a sound that now seems so distant.

Arguments with my sister, once a storm, now missed rain.

A reflection on the past, the simplicity of those days.

And there, in the midst of memories, a question lingers.

Why must we leave behind the echoes of youth?

Why does growing up mean letting go of what was once me?




I am a researcher and engineer by profession. However, sometimes, I write poems and my personal opinion about how I see the world.