Animals homesteading humor

Farmer Jane Admits that Chickens are Scary!

Just Left of Amish: Xurban Farmer Tales and Trials

Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D.
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2021


Photo by Jyrki Nieminen on Unsplash

I’m Chicken! That’s right I’m scared of chickens.

Welcome to Just Left of Amish: tales and trials of an Xurban farmer. I’m an Xurban Farmer whose trying to “Fem the Farm”. I bought 10.77 acres in a village in upstate N.Y. where I am surrounded by Amish. Even from the heights of my hill, I can hear the horse and buggies traveling through the village and up County Road 18 late into the night. Seriously what are they doing running around at 11:00 PM at night!

Not having farmed before — I grew up in the suburbs of here and there — I signed up for a small scale farm course. I learned in small farm school that I am average…not anything I ever aspired to be…but there it is. When I bought the farmette 7 years ago, I was an average small scale farmer in NY — 58 and female!!

The pervious owners walked away from the property leaving it vacant for three years. In the process of rehabbing the fields, gardens and orchard — I often find myself saying — how would the Amish handle this or that problem? Hence, Just Left of Amish as I’ve turned the vegetable beds by hand, used a scythe to cut grass, roto-tilled in new rows, moved hay bails with a little hand…



Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D.

An eclectic life: Waitress, Actress, Zoo Curator, Story Teller, Poet, Exhibit Designer, Writer, Farmer, Educator & Survivor .. Writing, essential as breathing.