30-Day Challenge

Favorite Book — The Lord of the Rings

Let me tell you about my favorite book.

Brandon Foster
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by Douglas Bagg on Unsplash

There once lived a university professor named John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, more commonly known as J.R.R. Tolkien. He was a grandfatherly figure who loved words. He loved them so much that he started inventing his own.

These invented words would eventually create the Elvish language. But what are words without a story? They are amorphic sounds with nowhere to go.

He loved his words so much that he wanted to give them a home. Numenor, Middle Earth, and the Undying Lands are only a few places he created for his beloved words.

Eventually, these homes would become populated with little boys and girls. But as in all places, darkness eventually crept in. Saddened by the darkness, Tolkien dutifully recorded the deeds of heroes in multiple books we can still read today.

The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and many other bound collections depict this fanciful world of elves, dwarves, and men.

Brandon Foster is an author and teaches history and theology. He lives in Mississippi, where he works at a small private school and on a farm his family owns. With a degree from Liberty University and a passion for Jesus and the past, Brandon writes articles discussing the Bible, Christian history, and everything surrounding the two.

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Brandon Foster

What's up?! I am an author who loves to write about God and how to help men grow in maturity. Follow to join my journey!