Favourite Fiction Finds June 2020

Some of my favourite fiction discovered on Medium

Alex Kilcannon


Another post from me on some great fiction I’ve found on Medium.

I had planned to put this post out at the end of the month but firstly, I filled my list up quicker than expected (woohoo!) and secondly, I’m likely to be back at full-time work outside of the home in the next week or so (mini woohoo!) which means I’ll have less time for being on here (boo!).

Before we get onto the fiction goodness, J.A. Taylor is running a flash fiction writing challenge over at Sci-Fi Shorts. You have until 27th June EDT to enter a 500 word sci-fi flash. Why not give it a go. You can find some of Jim’s fiction there too, he’s a Master of Shorts.

Woelf Dietrich has created this incredible resource on speculative fiction markets for writers. A few of you write in Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Spec-Fic genres so it may be of interest.

For those of you already submitting to markets, it’s still worth a look as it’s up to date and a handy go-to guide all in one place.

For those of you yet to stick your ink-stained fingers into the world of magazine or e-zine publishing, what’s holding you back? Be bold, fellow writer. Hold a piece or two back from Medium and take a chance on your talent.



Alex Kilcannon

Writer, poet, outdoors instructor and Mother of Teenagers. I rewild kids for a living.