Fear’s Misery

A twisted tale that could be true…

7 min readSep 10, 2022


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

The sound of silence deafened our ears as the bomb hit the circle line at Oxford Circus tube station. Ringing, ringing, so much ringing, pounding our heads and bringing tears to our eyes. Gasping for air, tears streaming from our eyes as we tried to pull ourselves to our feet.

The distant echoing of something that could not be seen through tear stained eyes. The shouting — so much shouting but words that did not register.

Shock pulsated our bodies as we twisted and turned to take in the damage. Lifeless bodies laid around our feet. They never stood a chance!

Evil rocked our world that day — had we have known then what we know now, we would not have been so grateful to get out alive…

And so it starts, the dark agenda that we had heard so much about but chose to ignore. The evil plan to take our freedom and turn it into the barren ashes that the first bomb had left in its wake.

Dystopia — the new order of the world. The start of the end. The darkness that swirled around our feet and haunted our dreams. The conformity that took from us all that we were and all that we could have been. The rules — so many rules! So unjust and without logic, reason or love.

As we watched our world crumble around us, we looked on in dismay as we heard the words of those that saw this coming vibrate throughout our minds. The warnings that we had received but would not hear. The words of wisdom told to us but dismissed as conspiracy and the ramblings of madness.

And as we watched our world destroyed, we could not help but wonder “what if we had listened”? “What if we had allowed ourselves to see the truth that was always there for us to see”? “What if we had opened our minds to the possibilities that we could not fathom, that have now engulfed us in the darkness of their spell”?

But it was too late now, for we did not listen. We did not heed the warnings and we did not open our eyes to see the truth. Yet that dark and ugly truth has now embodied itself into every part of our being.

Our lives were no longer our own — controlled from the moment we rose until the moment we went to bed. Enslaved to a system that took our dignity and broke our will. That manufactured our dreams and syphoned our energy. That told us how to think, feel and be. That connected us to artificial intelligence that programmed our thoughts and controlled our actions. That watched our every move through the chips that we had willingly inserted into our bodies — asked for even! For we had been tricked into thinking that we needed their protection when, in fact, it was them that we had needed protecting from all along.

I wonder now how we did not see. How we allowed ourselves to be fooled by their lies and deceit. How we allowed them to manipulate us into asking them to exert more control over us. How we did not see the mass manipulation that came through our TV screens, even though we had been taught about propaganda at school.

I wonder how we had allowed ourselves to be so blinded by fear that we could not see what was really happening. I wonder how we did not see the blackened hearts of those that led us down this merry path, whilst offering us salvation. I wonder why we did not listen to that inner voice, that offered us a choice, to ascend in love or perish in fear.

How foolish we were to not see the path that was laid out before us. The choice that was offered to free ourselves through love, if only we had heard the tiny whispers of our soul. If only we had got to know ourselves, understand ourselves and learnt how to stand in the power of the magnificent beings that we once had the opportunity to be. If only we had shone our light of love on others, to help ignite them into their power, as we learnt to ignite our own. What power houses we could have been, uniting in love and coming together as one. What a change we could have created had we have followed our dreams and lived out our passions. But instead we gave that power away to those that made us believe that we were less than we could be.

Oh sweet magic, where are you now? These gifts on me you once endowed. I know I pushed you vehemently away, my inner self I did betray. Rejecting self at every turn, why has it taken until now to learn? This bitter pill is hard to swallow, as in this madness I now wallow. Now the truth is there to see, humanity was never free.

Manipulated were our thoughts, twisted logic we were taught. Twisted were our attitudes, taught to always be in feuds. Looking out through evil eyes, hiding behind our disguise. Never living out our dreams, ignoring all of our life’s themes. Hurting people just because, showing the other who was boss. Holding onto what we’d been taught, information heavily bought. Always refusing to see truth, only believing twisted proof. Never seeing through the lies, no matter how many people died. Always stuck in our fear, for my life I shed a tear.

But now I know that we weren’t free, but at the time we could not see. It’s only now that I see the lie, when things are so bad that I want to die. It’s only now that I see the truth, I wish I hadn’t asked for proof. It’s only now I hear the words, from those that were as free as birds. It’s only now I notice that, all those people were not mad. It’s only now I hear the call, but it’s too late the world did fall. It’s only now I wish I’d heard, I would have hung on every word. It’s only now I recognise, they tried to show me all the lies. It’s only now I see the trap, I wish I’d woken from my nap. It’s only now that I can see, I had the power to be free.

But twisted thoughts they carried us, pulling us under, polluting our minds so that we could not see what was right there in front of us. So hard was it for us to believe that those who had sworn to protect us were the ones who were puppeteered into leading us to our destruction.

Logic left without a trace, replaced by fear and mistrust of each other. We believed the lies, even though logic was defied. We trusted in the solution, but could not see that it was those that created the problem that came to offer us the solution. We could not see that the bombs being dropped were simply a tool to keep us enslaved to our terror. We could not fathom the lust for greed and power that drove those that would lead us to our ruin, even though we lived in a world that had its very crux in the greed and power that drove them.

And as my back bends and breaks, my eyes unable to stay open, my ears unable to hear the beat of my broken heart, I stop, for just a moment, to remember the dreams that I once had had. How I long to have the opportunity to fulfil those dreams now. How I wish that I had had the courage to chase them before the blacked out van took me from my home and separated me from my family. How I regret putting them on hold to pay off my mortgage and loans. For what of those dreams now? Dreams that lay dormant, torturing my soul and blackening my heart. Dreams that still speak to me in the night, tormenting my knowing that came too late. Dreams that could have taken me down a different path to that which I walk now, broken and bare, with only darkness ahead of me.

Yet still they come, night after night, a guiding light that tries to show me the way. The voice that whispers in my ears, but in the morning disappears. The sound of my soul as it tries to be heard, gently whispering those beautiful words. The voice that tells me it’s not too late, still I have time to change my fate. The flicker of light in the depths of my soul, that tells me how to play my role. The burst of power I know I still have, that tries to get me to walk my path. The light of love I feel in my heart, that shows me how to play my part. The fleeting moment that’s oh so sweet, that tells me we are not yet beat. The light of love that takes my hand, that tells me my freedom I must demand. The awakening force that surges through, that shows me what I need to do. The force of nature coming in, I already know where to begin. The light of love I feel in the air, to create a world that is just and fair. The knowing I have deep in my gut, the feeling that tells me enough’s enough. The whispered call I hear on the streets, not everyone ready to admit defeat. The gentle cry of a lullaby, no longer do I want to die. The power rising up in me, now I’m ready to be free. The truth I hold in my mind, no longer am I weak and blind. The voices playing in my head, my free will is no longer dead. The choice I have to be free, now that I truly see.




Author of THE SPIRIT OF LIFE & host of THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN IBIZA podcast. Healer, Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Inspirational Speaker, Pioneer of Consciousness.