Feeding the Spirits

Engaging the reciprocal universe

Theresa C. Dintino
3 min readJun 6, 2024


An offering of beauty to the beauty: ash, cornmeal, flowers and rose petals. photo by author.

Feeding the spirits in the other dimensions with physical offerings from our dimension is very important. This comes up a lot for me in divinations I do for people. Though sometimes a difficult concept for people to understand, it is necessary to make physical offerings. This does not mean that energetic offerings are not appreciated too; it is just that physical offerings are an important piece as well. I will try to explain a bit of why I have learned this to be true.

Depictions of our ancestors making offerings to the “gods and goddesses,” to the trees, to the elemental beings, and more, populate most archeological remains. Scholars and archeologists often interpret this as a carrying out of superstitious beliefs. These are often called “primitive cult rituals.” But this is not the truth.

Today, in churches of all denominations, offerings are still made in the main sacrament of the Mass called “communion.” In Catholic churches, the physical offering of fire in the form of candles lit for ancestors is still carried out, most profusely in Europe. Many other religions still make physical offerings. Most pagans hold physical offerings to be important, and indigenous people all over the planet still engage in these sacred rites. All these traditions make physical offerings because they understand that the beings that inhabit the other dimensions thrive on this feeding from us.

The interactive space that is ritual is in fact a feeding ground. The Universe is an ongoing energy exchange. We, in our 3D embodiment, have access to a unique form of energy — that which I like to call mattergy (energy that has become matter). This only exists in 3D. There are properties in mattergy that are unique that beings in other dimensions can make use of. But it needs to be intentionally offered to them. Mattergy is extremely rare in the cosmos. Offering this with the intention to any being — ancestor, dragon, angel, tree elemental — is a great gift. They can use the energy they extract from mattergy to help us from their dimension. It is an important and necessary feedback loop.

All the dimensions are interlocking wheels that are spinning and constantly in communication with one another, feeding off each other. When we offer mattergy from our dimension, it greases the wheels of the other dimensions to help all flow smoothly.

All the dimensions are dependent upon one another. It is not a metaphor to say that we are keeping the cosmos alive with our offerings, it is a truth. Feeding is required. And if we do it with intention, we have a more conscious engagement with them and can participate more fully in the interactions.

Here is a universal truth: If you take without giving, you create a debt. If that debt collects, it becomes a deficit. If you run on a deficit, all becomes depleted. You begin to create “pockets of emptiness” that attract similar energy to them. We all have experienced those kinds of places and people.

If you give before you even think about taking — pay it forward, as I like to say — you create abundance. That abundance attracts like energy, and you experience and attract more abundance. Abundance gathering abundance creates beauty and the richest kind of wealth, otherwise known as “bounty.” This bounty flows forth freely for all.

A state of bounty is what many people would think of as bliss, ease, and grace. A state of grace is created by being in balance with the cosmic law of give and take.

You can begin to make your offerings quite modestly; milk to the trees with a prayer from your heart, birdseed to the elemental beings when you are out for your walk, coins to the mountains as you go on your hike, or honey to the water as a prayer for peace.

© Theresa C. Dintino 2024

