Feeling Anxious When Wearing a Face-Mask Doesn’t Mean I Need Therapy

My Body Will Not Get Over Wearing a Face Mask and Now I Know Why

Kris Freeman


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

The first time I wore a face-mask to a grocery store I felt like I was dying.

I never shopped so quickly in my life. I just had to get out of the store.

I find that if I think about wearing a mask too much I get worked up.

Case in point, I was planning to see my daughter’s drive-through graduation that is scheduled in mid-August. My partner and I were going to fly out because it would have been easier for him to get back sooner to work.

Thankfully the plans fell apart and only the people who are driving are the ones going to her graduation. I feel safer in my car than navigating a uber ride with a mask and sitting in an airport and airplane wearing a mask.

What I have come to know about myself is that I feel safer not wearing a mask. I know that must seem crazy but I can’t help it. Even outside you will not see me wearing a face mask when I walk my dogs. I do not have the bandwidth for wearing face masks outside.

I will honor those around me who have mask-wearing guidelines in social gatherings like shopping for groceries or local businesses but that is it.



Kris Freeman

Falling Flat on My Face, Getting Up Again, And Asking “What IS Next? AND “What Else Is Possible That I’ve Refused to Consider?” krisfreeman983@gmail.com