Feeling Burned Out?

3 Reasons Why More Time Management Won’t Help


Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

My journey through burnout was a stark revelation that time management alone wasn’t the solution I had hoped for. Despite meticulously organizing my days, and segmenting tasks into neatly allocated time slots, I found myself spiraling into exhaustion. The more I tried to control my time, the more I felt out of control.It wasn’t just the volume of work; it was the relentless pursuit of ticking boxes, that left me drained. It wasn’t the planning that was the issue. It was just looking at my calendar that triggered my nervous system. I was managing time efficiently, yet my energy and passion were waning. It was a lesson in understanding that sometimes, the key to managing burnout isn’t about managing time better, but about managing myself — my energy, priorities, and well-being.

Productivity Focuses on Output Quality

Productivity, in its essence, is no longer just about managing time; it’s about managing energy, focus, and priorities. Productivity is about the value and quality of the work you produce. It’s not just about completing a list of tasks; it’s about achieving meaningful results that contribute significantly to your goals. This approach encourages you to focus on what’s most important, leading to a more fulfilling work experience.

Time management, on the other hand, often emphasizes the quantity of tasks completed within a set period. This can lead to a relentless pursuit of checking off items on a to-do list, regardless of their impact or importance. It doesn’t necessarily account for your energy levels or personal engagement with each task. Rigid scheduling can lead to working on tasks even when you’re not mentally or physically primed for them, increasing the risk of burnout. It also contributes to a sense of emptiness and lack of fulfillment.

Flexibility and Adaptability vs. Rigidity

A productive mindset understands that flexibility is key. It allows for adjustments based on changing priorities, unexpected tasks, or shifts in energy levels. This adaptability can reduce stress and prevent burnout, as you’re not bound to a rigid structure that may not align with your day-to-day realities.

Traditional time management methods can sometimes be too rigid, leaving little room for unexpected changes or personal needs. Adhering strictly to a predetermined schedule, regardless of how you feel or what unexpected events may occur, can lead to increased stress and a higher risk of burnout.

Ignoring Emotional and Psychological Needs

Traditional time management techniques often don’t take into account the emotional and psychological aspects of productivity. This oversight can lead to a disconnect between what needs to be done and the individual’s capacity to do it, resulting in procrastination.

For perfectionists, the lack of acknowledgment of their need for high-quality outcomes can lead to frustration and procrastination. They might delay tasks because they feel the time allocated is insufficient to achieve the desired level of perfection.

As an executive leader, I would wonder what was wrong with me that I couldn’t keep up. That’s what my clients say too. Very successful women who wonder why all of a sudden they don’t have what it takes. It’s not them or you. It’s old time management practices and not focusing on the things in your life that deposit energy into your emotional bank account.

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

What Can You Do?

Tip 1: Cultivate Mindful Awareness:

Begin your day with a mindfulness practice. This could be a short meditation, a reflective journaling session, a gratitude expression, or a quiet walk. The goal is to center your thoughts and prepare your mind for the day ahead. Mindfulness enhances focus on the important tasks and your “why” and reduces the tendency to multitask, which can dilute the quality of your work.

Tip 2: Prioritize Energy Management:

Understand Your Energy Cycles: Everyone has natural highs and lows in their energy levels throughout the day. Identify your peak periods of energy and schedule your most demanding tasks during these windows. Conversely, use your low-energy periods for less intensive tasks. This alignment ensures that your tasks are fueled by your best energy, enhancing overall output.

Tip 3: Foster Intentional Breaks:

Integrate short, regular breaks into your schedule. These aren’t just moments to step away from work; they’re opportunities to recharge. Engage in activities that rejuvenate you — a brief walk, a power nap, or a creative hobby. These breaks can prevent burnout and boost creativity, leading to more productive work sessions.

In today’s world, redefining productivity means looking beyond the clock and embracing a more holistic approach. It’s about being mindful, managing your energy, and taking intentional breaks to rejuvenate. By incorporating these strategies into your life, you can achieve a level of productivity that is not only sustainable but also fulfilling.

Remember, true productivity is not about doing more in less time; it’s about doing what matters most in the best possible way.

How do you approach productivity and time management in your daily life? Have you tried any of these strategies, or do you have others to share? Does procrastination sabotage your productivity? Come join me for the upcoming procrastination challenge. It’s free!

Mary Struzinsky is an award-winning, certified coach and licensed clinician, helping hundreds of women unravel the root causes of burnout and imposter syndrome. With 30+ years of experience and certification in EMDR and EFT (tapping), Mary helps uncover the subconscious beliefs that keep women trapped in a cycle of overachieving and overworking.

She is the creator of “Exhausted to Energized and Empowered”, a 5-week program focused on helping women attain the energy, confidence, and TIME to live a life aligned with their values. Mary is a writer and sought-after speaker, sharing her personal story of burnout as a former executive director of a national human service agency. She can be found at https://www.starcitycoaching.com



Mary Struzinsky, LCSW & Somatic Empowerment Coach

Go from exhausted➡️energized➡️empowered.🛑the cycle of overwhelm, overthinking, over-functioning