Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How to Break Free from the Chains of the Past and Future

Oh, the feeling of being overwhelmed by life! It’s like no matter how hard you work, you just can’t seem to make any headway, right? And that moment when your mind starts to wander while you’re trying to focus on a task, it’s just the worst!

C Prakash
4 min readFeb 2, 2023


Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

I remember a beautiful afternoon at the park when I stumbled upon a peaceful bench. Exhausted from the daily grind, I seized the chance to relax and recharge. As I basked in the warm sun, I was transported to a world of pure joy and peace. The sounds of chirping birds and children’s laughter surrounded me, filling my soul with happiness and pleasure. It was the perfect escape from the chaos of life.

As I was walking by, I saw something that brought a smile to my face. A little boy was playing with his toy truck, making engine noises and driving it back and forth. The pure joy on his face was contagious. He was completely in the moment, with a huge grin and twinkles in his eyes. He was experiencing the best moment of his life and nothing else mattered. No worries, pure joy in the simple act of playing.

This scene touched my heart. This moment brought back memories of my carefree days of childhood, as I believe most people’s childhoods were similar.

When we were carefree children, playing with such abandon and bliss. We were unfazed by the world around us and lived in the moment with pure joy.

But as we grew older, our worries and fears started to cloud our minds, taking away that sense of wonder and delight that was once so effortless.

We get too busy and forget to enjoy life’s simple moments.

Embrace the Power of the Present

You may often find yourself wasting time by dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. This prevents you from doing your best and leaves you feeling sad and defeated. You tend to replay negative experiences and beliefs in your mind, sometimes intentionally and sometimes without even realizing it.

As a result, you feel stuck in a rut, feeling hopeless and unhappy.

The fear and dread of something bad will happen in the future holds you back from taking action.

And this fear of failure is like a monster under your bed, always lurking and stopping you from success. And the past is like a burden, a weight you carry with you, reminding you of mistakes and holding you back from living in the present.

Doing the same thing over and over won’t lead to new results. Stop using the same old ingredients and ideas, and let go of limiting beliefs. Instead, focus on the present moment. This is where you have the power to make things happen. Don’t waste time and energy on things you can’t control, like the past or future. When you stay focused on the present, you’ll feel more in control and fulfilled.

So, how can you live in the present?

So many struggle with this concept and believe that they must force themselves to be present.

But let me tell you, forcing yourself is the hardest and most painful way to go about it. It’s a thought that you have to hold on to remain present. Unfortunately, your minds tend to wander, no matter how hard you try to keep them focused.

Instead of forcing yourself,

Take a break and enjoy the present moment. Don’t stress over making things happen. You are already living in the moment, so just let go and fully embrace it.

Keep in mind, You can never truly escape the present, as it is the only time that truly exists.

However, it’s easy to lose touch with your present-moment awareness and become absorbed in memories, projections, or worries. This disconnection can make you feel like you’re not fully present, but the truth is that your eyes, ears, mouth, and body are continuously functioning in real time.

So, To live in present shift in your focus, pay attention to the sensations, sounds, and sights that are present right now. There’s no need to put in any effort, be mindful and aware of your surroundings.

Take a moment to observe your eyes reading this text, the air entering your nostrils, the sounds you hear, the sensations in your arms and legs. This simple act of awareness requires no energy and can bring you back to the joy and peace of being fully present in every moment.

When you let go of the past and future, and focus solely on the present moment, you’ll feel a sense of freedom and renewal. Imagine being a carefree child again, with no worries weighing you down. Next time you catch your mind wandering, take a deep breath and redirect your attention to what’s happening right now.

So, tap into your inner child and enjoy the freedom of the present.



C Prakash

I am freelance writer and I offer copywriting and content writing services. If you want to hire me, email me at etherealdesigns306@gmail.com