Femininity within Us

I am Marta
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2022

The feminine within us, the feminine energy, is in each of us in different proportions. Usually in women, it is the dominant energy, but not always.

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However, the modern lifestyle has caused this energy to be blocked in women. This has been influenced by many factors over the millennia, but the process has intensified over the past hundred years. When female energy is blocked within women, it is also blocked within men.

When the female energy within us is blocked, we do not have access to life energy, or rather its flow is blocked. We do not have access to the feeling of our own body and the signals that the body transmits to us. When the female energy within us is blocked, we have no access to intuition — our divine wisdom that informs us of what is right for us, what serves us and what is not, what is true and what is false.

When female energy within women is blocked, a woman uses only logic instead of intuition and feeling, which often causes her to adjust to social norms, and expectations of others, often due to fear of rejection or other fears. She is docile and obedient, like a little girl.

When the female energy in women is blocked, the woman is susceptible to attacks by predators because of her warning system, her instincts are dormant, then she becomes easy prey, and she becomes a victim.

When the female energy within women is blocked, the woman does not express herself fully, does not express her truth, does not talk about her feelings, but only talks about what she thinks. Whereas it is her feelings and body that is her ally and informs her about everything that is important.

When the female energy within men is blocked, the man becomes despotic and controlling.

When the female energy within men is blocked, the man is cut off from his heart instead of following it with courage, over-rationalizing and succumbing to social norms for fear of being ridiculed and embarrassed.

When the female energy within men is blocked, the man becomes brutal, devoid of feelings, and empathy, and does not care about the welfare of others.

When the female energy within us is blocked, we do not feel when our body is tired, we lose the feeling of unity and concern for ourselves and others. We forget that we are all connected and that we are connected to everything that exists.

When the female energy within us is blocked, we lose contact with nature, we do not understand it and abuse it, instead of following its cycles, we manipulate it, poison it and submit it to our own needs.

A woman is Nature and Nature is a Woman.

Earth is our body and water is our blood.

We are one 🌍💚🌿

I truly believe that how we co-create the world together, depends on who and how we are within ourselves. The creation comes from within. This is not just talking, it is science.

I love encouraging other people to reflect and understand themselves on deeper levels as I believe every experience in the so-called external reality starts within ourselves. When we are aware of ourselves, we create healthy relationships with others and therefore, healthy societies.

I am a Life & Business Coach and Business Mentor, supporting people in creating their personal and financial freedom and I would be happy to share more with you through my website. Feel free to sign up for a Newsletter there to track news and events. You are welcome to book a coaching or mentoring session with me or a free 30 mins call if you need guidance in your life changes. You will find my contact details here.

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I believe we can make this world a beautiful place again together 🌍💚

Thank you for reading my posts, for every comment, and for being connected.



I am Marta

Life & Business Coach, Writer, Mystic. Writing about a deeper understanding of reality, the future, feminine and masculine energies, power of mind and heart.