How I Ended My Bad Juju With This Simple Feng Shui Office Makeover

By changing the direction of my work desk to its commanding position

I, Napoleon B.


How I Ended My Bad Juju With This Simple Feng Shui Office Makeover
Photo by Alain Pham on Unsplash

On Writing

I don’t know how many times I have said it this year; that writing saved me. We all have our share of 2020, but never in my wildest dream that I can say I am a writer.

Our writing journey can take us anywhere, and our goals change with time. Everything starts with a passion; writing can become more than a hobby, and if done right, it could be a way for us to start making money.

As writers, we need to keep on writing and experience the hurt of rejection. While it is not personal, when editors reject our work, it is personal to us.

But one must learn to accept it is part of the writer’s life unless you are ready to quit as a writer and move on to being someone else.

The beauty of writing is, it doesn’t need much from us. We can write with a pen and paper, and we only need our imagination to weave stories.

Meet Frank, my Frankenstein Laptop



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: