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Fibonacci Sequence, Formula that Defines Thought

Antonia Rovayo
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2021


PLEASE NOTE: All images here have been produced by Antonia Rovayo

Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of topological spaces or “shapes” and classifies them under a notion of equivalence.

Two spaces are equivalent if one can be continuously deformed to obtain the other, that is, if we can obtain the second space by bending, stretching, shrinking, expanding and twisting the first.

I worked for two and a half years on a project that captured my attention and corroborated the reflections that I have always had about life and its behavior at the macro and micro level.

The project is titled “Toward Alternative Possibility” (TAP) initiated and discovered by Engineer Joe Shumaker. As he himself affirms, that project exists and he was only waiting for the moment to be discovered.

The value of this model is that we obtain a group voice, this voice behaves in resonance with the model of the universe. Just as bees build their panels according to a spiral model and there is no discrepancy in them, the human must act towards the common and not personal good.

We have created a demonstration with volunteers, there are 20 proposals that the volunteers ordered in order of importance on how to improve the world.

The unique voice representing all was obtained using a mathematical weighting algorithm.

We did the comparison by overlaying data on the Fibonacci chart and there are many points of agreement with the sequence.

In order to affirm that human thought and its possibilities follow the Fibonacci pattern, we need to do the group voice with a larger volume of people. What is exposed here is just the beginning of a great work on how it works. the universe evolves and learns.

Let’s see the comparison of agreements and disagreements in percentage (Blue and red)

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Note that there are three points where there is no variation, that is, of the 20 proposals there are 3 that do not behave following the Fibonacci series and 17 that do. It follows that 85% do so and it is a very high percentage !!!

It is necessary to increase the number of volunteers to join in the single voice of the group and to continue evaluating the trend.

There is an excellent learning method and I am referring to mandalas. With imagination we can see and create learning systems.

Below you will find a mandala where the 17 proposals are listed and follow a sequence in the form of a spiral. You must follow the numerical order to see that it exists that way.

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Where the spiral of agreements and disagreements behaves 85% like the Fibonacci spiral. The simulation is done by superimposing the data on the Fibonacci image. This simulation will be done with different topics. Thought follows that trend, as well as hurricanes, galaxies, turbulence in water, and most of the known forms.

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The blue dots represent the average of each agreement and disagreement as a percentage. The beginning is with the lowest percentage that also represents the center of the “Mandala”. You can see the Fibonacci spiral shape by imagining the blue line in space

The organizational structure of TAP will also be governed according to the Fibonacci sequence, starting from the center as the nucleus and expanding towards the upper layers of the spiral.

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This is explained in the statutes by which the company will be governed. It is an ideal model too close to reality. You haven’t asked yourself, why is there so much disunity between humans? We do not work for the common good but for the individual good. It is worshiping the ego with our action.

I await your comments !!



Antonia Rovayo

Teacher of mathematics and calculus, admirer of Nikola Tesla and his anti gravitational theory. Waiting for the minimization of HUMAN ERROR or imperfection