Contemporary Romance, Flash Fiction, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Short Stories

Featured— Fiction by Lynda Coker

Adventure and romance for those who want more than the ordinary

Lynda Coker
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2020


Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

You’ll find all of Lynda’s books here

Pride and Audacity — (Complete)

Book 1 — The Sheikhs of Ahalamin — Pride and Audacity (Finished)
Book 2 — The Sheikhs of Ahalamin — Crossing the Chasm (Finished)

He’s an audacious Middle Eastern Prince. She’s a prideful Wall Street Princess. Can they overcome their pride and audacity and find the love of their lives?

Serialized re-release of Given to the Prince.

Each part will have progressive links to the next section.

Don’t miss the sequel to Pride and Audacity — Continue the adventure with Crossing the Chasm

Dare She Stay

Story is complete

Stormee Waters is a young woman with little money, loads of responsibility, and a new job in a new city. Her first assignment as a writer for a Houston social magazine lands her in the clutches of CEO, Dirk Savage. Will Stormee decide to STAY OR GO…

Texas Heat

Story is complete

He was only thirty-one years old; he wasn’t supposed to feel used up. Self-derision mocked him. What did he expect after spending twelve years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit? How did he forget the 4,380 days he’d waited for answers, and for the woman who never came?

Short Stories (Complete)

Flash Fiction (Complete)



Lynda Coker

I write about life, fictional worlds, and anything that catches my interest. I also design and create with textiles. Icky Chic Desings on Etsy