Fight Cancer With Hope, Story of My Closest One

Madiha Abid
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2020

The Pain is Simply To Create You Stronger.

Someone who is close to me, He is telling me a story about his Cancer Journey.

In April of 2016, He was diagnosed with having ocular melanoma which is a very rare type of melanoma.

He is telling me that People think of ocular known as being just skin cancer normally that’s the most common but in my situation, it started in my left eye I didn’t know and this is how I found out that I had something was wrong.

When He Knows About Cancer

So you know let’s say you put your hand over your eye well I’ll do this one since I can’t see okay so the doctors had me to look up down here and when I looked this way it was a shadow a black shadow that came over that’s when I knew something was wrong and then they told him says;

Hey you have a tumor and your left eye and I was like oh! okay kind of a shock, I went there by myself which was in hindsight it should not have done that it was a lot to deal with so he went there and then he actually talked to him he was like hey we’re going to have to remove your eye he kind of said it like that and I was like huh! what no no no there’s gotta be some radiation or something.

He Was Like Do You Want To Live?

I said of course I did with him when he removed the eye and April 21st of 2016. I had my left eye removed what you see now is an actual prosthetic an acrylic prosthetic.

I have so it’s been a journey from 2016 until now to know that I have Stage four it’s metastasized into my lumbar spine.

You know you hear stage four you’ve pretty much screwed.

My life is over but I’ve gone through this journey and realize that it’s not it is tragic.

But it’s not at the end of the world.

I can still I’m still fighting I’m still living I have no choice than you choices to give up no-thanks I’m 47 I’m trying to make a little farther in life.

I have pain daily prescribed medications I’ve had radiation treatment.

Then a court of course the question that you always ask yourself at least I do it’s like why did this happen? what could I have done to prevent this is this something that I mean didn’t see earlier that happened or did I was I in denial that I knew something was wrong ? or and just you know as a daily battle of like

Make sure you have a good support system with you and you know the thing about I guess men that we always like part of us is like hey I can’t seem weak to the outside world and you keep things in.

I learned a long time ago if it bothers you don’t hold it in I develop a voice your emotions whether they come out kind of bad let them come out say to yourself.

Hey that this time I need a support system cancer is like the thing no one wants to hear I mean there are other tragedies in life but cancer hits you! directly it’s you it’s in you it’s always been there it’s just whether or not it showed up one day and says

Hey I’m taking over and then the thing I say is that are you gonna let it take you over are you gonna give up ? you continue to fight until you can’t if you like the bad take over you’ll never have good days again you’re just wallow in pity.

That is one thing I even tell anyone

Don’t pity yourself..

Don’t fight..

Keep going..

Live you..



Madiha Abid

Doing Masters in Social work. Passionate about writting, although not for a particular topic.