Fight or Fail

Tips to master yourself and go after the life you want

Basina Suraj
5 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

There’s one bitter truth about life you must accept before becoming the new you. Nothing good in life comes easy.

Achieving your desired lifestyle comes with a significant price tag.

Sacrifices must be made whether you’re building relationships, raising a family, pursuing a career, or running a business.

It takes grit and resilience to overcome the resistance between you and your dream.

So, are you ready to fight for your dream?

Are you ready to face your demons?

Are you ready to lose friends because you want a new life for yourself?

Answer these questions before we delve into it.

Because, most people are not ready to fight for the life they want, even if they say they want to. Their enthusiasm does not much their actions.

Let me explain.

Saying you are ready involves facing your self-destructive habits and striving for your ambitions.

You have to face yourself as well. Fighting your thoughts and beliefs is not a walk in the park.

This is a test most of us are reluctant to take.

Mastering yourself first

There’s a reason self-improvement content never worked for you.

Despite consuming all these tips and information, you have nothing to show.

You haven’t seen progress because you haven’t mastered yourself yet.

The change starts with you first. Make peace with yourself first.

If your life is a mess, don’t accuse anybody, you are the problem.

As Brianna Wiest wrote, the mountain is you.

Because most of your problems are self-inflicted. Deal with yourself first.

Take charge of your thoughts and ensure that your actions match your words.

Get rid of any thoughts or habits that harm you. Focus on developing a positive mindset.

Look at things from a positive perspective even if all is not going well for you.

It doesn’t matter how much your life sucks, never hate yourself or label yourself as unworthy and useless.

And be kind to yourself. We all have our secret battles we are fighting. Nobody has it all figured out.

You got this.

Fight your self-destructive habits

As Aristotle said, we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

Don’t allow bad habits to derail your future.

Your laziness

If you let laziness fester and become your comfort zone, it has the potential to push your success clock backward.

Fighting your laziness will eliminate procrastination from your life and enhance your productivity.

You can transform your life around just by combating this lackadaisical attitude.

But how?

Start with the basics. Take one step at a time to not overwhelm yourself with any major task.

Practice delayed gratification. Avoid the quick-fix mentality.

Looking at things from a long-term perspective can inspire you to take action now.

The more effort we put into something, the more we value our accomplishments.

Look at it from this perspective: which is more fulfilling?

Growing your following organically or growing your following using follow-for-follow techniques.

I bet you will choose the former.

Get uncomfortable. Comfort is a fertile ground for laziness and a miserable lifestyle in the long term.

Living on the edge always pushes you beyond the limits you never thought you could reach. Discomfort gets you on your feet and moving.

I am not advocating for suffering. The point I’m trying to make is it is important not to let your comfort zone hinder your personal growth and development.

Get rid of your Self-limiting beliefs

You could have achieved most of your ambitions if only you believed in yourself.

But you kept listening to that little voice within, saying you are not good enough.

How many times have you not said or held demeaning thoughts about yourself?

Well, self-critique is not bad. What you do with it is the most important thing.

Because bad-mouthing yourself can have a devastating effect on your progress.

It’s like pointing a gun at yourself and pulling the trigger.

The outcome is fatal. Don’t be cruel to yourself.

Instead, adopt a positive mindset.

Get rid of all negative thoughts about yourself. Believe in your abilities, what you can do, and who you are.

Encourage yourself, because nobody has it all figured out.

Life is like a puzzle. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t figure out all the pieces now.

Put yourself out there more to gain confidence and increase your self-esteem.

Beware of time wasters

In a world littered with needless scrolling and unending trends, staying focused is now a superpower.

You need your focus and self-awareness now more than ever.

From social media to the hustle and bustle of life, our attention is stretched thin on activities with zero return on our lives.

How do you reclaim your focus?

Develop a comprehensive but flexible routine that you can stick to.

Follow your routine until it becomes second nature to you.

Make your morning more productive.

If you are a morning person, you can decide to write or read your emails first thing in the morning before other things distract your mind.

Your competition

In a competitive world such as the one we have today, no one is an island. We are interdependent.

The good news is we can forge useful connections and build meaningful relationships with people far and near.

You will also compete with so many people for attention, job opportunities, and resources.

So how you position yourself can determine who you become in this competitive world.

Invest in yourself.

Investing in yourself can give you a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Read more to keep up with the times.

Reading books and attending seminars will enhance your skills and knowledge to become more relevant and adaptable in any field or career.

Take courses to improve your knowledge and skills

Take advantage of free courses online. I have learned more about writing through courses online than I learned from college.

Final thoughts

The life you want exists out there, but you must go out there and fight for it.

You need to conquer yourself first. Change your thoughts, emotions, and mindset to align with the new you.

Fight off laziness.

Throw away self-limiting beliefs.

Get rid of all distractions.

Embrace your competition.

That’s all for today. Keep fighting for your dreams.



Basina Suraj

Inspiring you through my Productivity and Self Improvement tips one story at a time.