Fighting For Souls

Annelise Lords
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2020



Image by Annelise Lords

I am tired of watching the news and seeing Racism and COVID 19 in the same space.

Racism and COVID 19 is getting out of control
Fighting each other for our hearts and souls
This isn’t an Olympics, so there is no bronze, silver or gold
Because death and destruction is what their future foretold

COVID 19 is a killer
And that’s who we should be fighting, instead of each other
Like COVID 19, Racism seems to be a pandemic,
That must be stopped, whether it’s endemic or systemic
Since they are both increasing, says the news report
And humanity is giving them, their full support
By disobedience, cruelty, and injustice
That has resulted in poverty, death, and prejudice
Can’t you see that humanity is losing this race
Because COVID 19 does not discriminate in any of its cases

Every race, everyone,
No matter where you come from
Can stop both Racism and COVID 19 from achieving
Whatever they are conceiving
So don’t be afraid of believing
That we can stop these two from procuring
Whatever they are perceiving
Because we intend on…

