Finally! The Wait Is Over!

So Happy And So Grateful!

Akshat Lamba
4 min readFeb 28, 2024


Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay

I am writing this at night on 28th February at 10:30. But I know this will get published on the 29th — hopefully it won’t take any longer than that. I want to share some exciting news with everyone! In an hour and a half, I will become a published author! And by the time you will be reading it, I will have already become an author. It fills my heart with joy to know that I have accomplished this. I know there is a lot left to accomplish but I’m still very grateful.

I want to talk a little about “Cotton In A Sea Of Blood”, my short mystery/thriller. What comes to your mind when you think of the title? I love poetic titles and that is how I came up with it. When we dip Cotton in a liquid, the soft ball absorbs the liquid and turns a bit harder. A “Sea Of Blood” signifies hard times and bad circumstances involving death. When a soft cotton ball is dipped into a sea of blood, it turns harder. A weak, soft person emerges tougher and harder after facing bad circumstances.

What else can I say? It’s just a great feeling to know that I have become a published author. It’s not like I have become JK Rowling or Stephen King but it is a big deal for me. For me to be able to share my stories with the world and write wonderful stories is something that I have always dreamt of. I do want to earn money as well, because no matter how small amount of money I earn, I know it in my gut that I be more confident and maybe even be able to take writing as a full-time career. I have a strong faith in God and I truly believe that even though this is not how I imagined publishing my work for the first time, it’s an achievement. I am very thankful for it. If anyone of you has ever published something of yours on amazon or kindle or any other app, then please talk to me in the comments. I would love to know how you felt about publishing your work for the first time.

If you are like me — who loves stories that have real, believable characters, stories that have meaning, that leave impact, that make you wanting for more, that touch you emotionally and that make you awed, then please do buy it. Because I intend to write stories like that. And I do my best!

Here’s a preview of the book:

“Agastya gasped, his feet stopped and his eyes enlarged when he saw thick blood coming out of Minister Aditya’s neck. The rich, old person lay sprawled in the bathroom. Agastya — a thin, young man — began stepping backwards. His hands turned white and his chest began to shiver. A cold feeling took over him and he kept staring at the dead body as he ambled backwards. He better get out of here before somebody sees him. He turned around, shivering and a soldier was staring at him with large eyes — Minister Aditya dead and a young man in fear.

Agastya’s eyes opened. Everything seemed blurred. Someone’s voice was echoing. But it was not understandable. And a second later, water splashed over his face. He gasped for air and sat up straight. His vision corrected. He looked around him. He was lying in a ridiculously small prison, back on the wall. There was no light except from the candles outside. There was a stinky, piss-smell. There were wet rags in the corner. What had happened?
He looked up. The soldier from the bathroom was there with another shadowy figure. It was King Gyanav himself — a young man with a deadly face. Someone was screaming and crying not far away. The soldier kicked Agastya in the ribs! ‘Aarrgghh!’
His ribs were crushed! His eyes squinched and his arms went over his chest and he fell to the side. The pain was too much to handle and little drops of tears began to come out.
‘What happened there?’ The King said in his heavy voice.
No voice could come out of his throat. But he managed to say, ‘Wher . . .?’
‘In the bathroom.’
There was blinding pain in his chest. He looked at him as if begging, hoping that they would let him go.
The soldier slapped him hard. ‘Speak!’
Agastya tried his best. But more saliva came out than words. ‘Didn’ . . . ki . . . kill.’
‘He says he didn’t kill him,’ the soldier said.
‘Liar!’ King Gyanav shouted at Agastya.
Agastya shook his head while crying. ‘You will be tried tomorrow,’ the King said as he opened the bars and got out. ‘Listen, Jaitra,’ the King said to the soldier. ‘I’ll take care of Minister Aditya’s family. They’re devastated.’
‘It would be the best, my lord,’ said the soldier.
The King walked away.”

Here’s the synopsis:

Agastya gasped, his feet stopped and his eyes enlarged when he saw thick blood coming out of Minister Aditya’s neck. The rich, old person lay sprawled in the bathroom.
In the times of Kings and Queens, a 21 year old boy is accused of the murder of a minister and finds himself in prison. Politics and bad circumstances make him guilty. He needs to escape. Will he escape?
“But I don’t deserve to die . . .”
A short thriller . . . For those who love stories that make them awed . . .

Click Here To Buy!

Thank you so much for taking out your time to read this article! I hope you enjoy reading “Cotton In A Sea Of Blood” as well!



Akshat Lamba

Writer with the dream to impact your life with my stories, poetry, articles and blogs.