The Power of Creative Connections

Kristina Coggins


Image by Kristina Coggins

Creativity requires you to be a lone wolf.

To grow and flourish, you need space and time to reach your zone place, and that is often achieved by being alone. The travails of creative pursuits require courage to defeat the voices of self-doubt and navigate the uncertain waters of creativity.

Those who are not pursuing a creative life may not understand the journey. Their attempts at support may turn out to be unhelpful.

That’s why finding other creatives in your life is such a worthy goal.

If you have surrendered to the process of an artistic vision and have a willingness to carry through with that vision, you share something with fellow creative folks. You too have been vulnerable and courageous enough to make something artistic that was not there before.

You aspire to create an outcome solely from your potential and love of your craft by using your imagination.

All artists share facing harsh voices of a frightened ego.

So, when you hear another artist share their vulnerabilities and their self-doubts about their abilities, all artists will empathize

I used to be surprised by it, but now I expect it. Early in my creative life, as an introvert



Kristina Coggins

Writer. Coach. Playful Provocateur. Author of CREATIVE AWAKENING: A Guide to “The Zone” for Seekers and Makers