Finding Focus in the Digital Age

Aisha Aminu
Published in
9 min readAug 26, 2023
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash


In today’s digital age, we are constantly inundated with distractions. Whether it’s the stream of endless notifications from our phones, the lurking pile of incoming emails, or the latest irresistible news, it is a reality that we’re constantly barraged with distractions that make it challenging to stay focused on the task at hand. However, it is crucial for success that we develop the ability to focus in spite of today’s tempting distractions. In this essay, we will explore some of the most common distractions we encounter and strategies we can adopt to identify those distractions, manage them, and stay productive. This essay will dive into the short-term and long-term effects of distraction on our productivity, and health, as well as how we can strive to remain focused on what really matters and chase our goals in a straight, uninterrupted path. We will also explore our ease of access to technology and how it has affected our ability to focus.

Distractions in the Digital Age

We are immersed in an era of technology and digital devices, and while these devices are of many benefits to us, they are also accompanied by many distractions that set our goals a little farther from us than they should be. On a daily basis, we are hounded by notifications from social media apps, emails, text messages, online news, and more. Compounded by the fact that we have multiple channels for receiving these notifications including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and now even smartwatches, all vying for our attention. Thanks to smartphones, we have nearly limitless access to screens, which means we are likely to be carrying our distractions in our pockets, handbags, or hands at all times. Do we acknowledge the impact of these distractions? Or are we slowly becoming a society of procrastinating multitaskers?

Social media, the holy grail of distractions; Platforms including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are now integral parts of our daily lives. The constant stream of tempting direct messages, notifications, and updates can be incredibly distracting, to say the least. All of these platforms have features like feeds that make them unputdownable. The ability to scroll through humorous and often insightful thoughts, conversations, and arguments of hundreds of people on Twitter, the insider view of people’s near-perfect lives via inspiring pictures and videos on Instagram and Facebook, or the captivating and entertaining videos showcasing people’s creativity through trends and challenges on TikTok. Are you able to hold back from one more scroll or ignore the juicy conversation in the group chat about that trending post?

Emails, text messages, phone calls, and online news are yet other forms of distractions that are difficult to manage. At your peak concentration on an important task, a ping that alerts you of an incoming email, a hot new message that pops up on the screen, or a notification about the scandalous hot news about your favorite, or least favorite celebrity. Unlike social media distractions, some of these distractions are likely to demand your immediate attention; that important email you’ve been waiting for, a text message concerning a different urgent matter, a phone call you can’t ignore just in case it’s an emergency, a piece of breaking news too jaw-dropping to ignore. How much of a mental capacity do we really have to resist the urge to instantly tend to these distractions? Are we conscious of the effect of these distractions on the task at hand?

Effects and Consequences of Distraction

Studies have shown that it takes time and extra effort for the brain to return to the interrupted flow of the original task. Since humans are naturally inclined to self-interrupt, many people have limited attentional capacity and the inability to stay focused on one task for a long time. This behavior is often accompanied by a mental effect known as ‘Switch Cost’. Switch cost is the price of distraction; a phenomenon known as the cognitive weight of switching from one task to another, i.e., interruption even if short, can cause a hindrance to productivity because shifting attention is known to cause stress. Stress leads to mental exhaustion, making one unmotivated and easily distracted. This is likely to trap a person in an unproductive loop of stress due to distraction, mental exhaustion, lack of motivation, and hence, more distraction.

Distraction can be of short-term and long-term effects; Some of the short-term effects of distraction include decreased productivity, missed deadlines, lack of motivation, reduced creativity, and increased stress levels, making it more difficult and challenging to complete the tasks at hand. Long-term effects of distractions on the other hand are known to be more severe with more drastic and significant impacts on our mental and physical health. Giving into the temptations of distraction can easily become a habit. When we allow our brains to be trained to seek out more distractions, it can lead to a chronic inability to stay focused, a decreased attention span, and the risk of developing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Distraction also leads to excessive screen time which could have long-term impacts on our physical health such as effects on our visual health, heart disease, and even obesity.

Identifying and Managing Distractions

The first step to managing distractions is identifying channels that easily distract you. What are your distractions? Personally, being a writer who is trying to establish a portfolio means writing multiple articles in a month, and working on my manuscript, all while working a nine-to-five. In other words, a lot of creative multitasking. This makes me prone to burnout and distractions. Twitter and TikTok are the main social media platforms that can easily snatch my attention. A hot argument or conversation in the group chat with my best friends is a little hard to ignore when those notifications drop ceaselessly. As an author seeking representation from literary agents, any email from a queried agent gets tended to immediately, and so do work emails. I believe the first step to tackling an issue is acknowledging that it exists. Having identified my weaknesses, I was automatically a step closer to figuring out my coping mechanisms.

Coping with distractions can be difficult; of course, taking intentional steps like consciously avoiding social media apps, turning off notifications, and making plans to attend to distractions at a more appropriate time (as opposed to immediately) is a head start. However, it is important to understand what causes you to become easily distracted to avoid them. By avoiding distractions, you take your first step towards coping with them. My causes for distraction are exhaustion, lack of motivation, and reduced creativity.

1) First on my list is taking a break before you get bored. I am a firm believer in the fact that exhaustion equals distraction, which equals zero productivity. Taking breaks when you’re tired allows you to refresh your mind and gain the motivation to return to the task at your preplanned time.

2) Lack of motivation: Having no motivation can be hard. It simply means being unable to get yourself to work on a task. It is very easy for me to be distracted when I am unmotivated; one of my go-to solutions is working in bits. When you break down the work, it looks less intimidating and easier to start. Breaking down the task and resting in between gives your brain an opportunity to recuperate some motivation.

3) Lack of creativity: Being unable to tap into a creative space can be frustrating. To have all the motivation in the world and still be unable to come up with commendable work. I find looking at the work of others in the relative field advantageous in sparking my creativity. It could be from a competitive or inspiring perspective, the point is, if they can do it, so can I. I’ve also learned to start anyway, call your work a rough sketch that can be honed when you’re feeling creative again.

Once I find myself dealing with the above, I make very conscious decisions moving forward, otherwise, I find myself reaching for my phone “just to check”. Another method of coping, though debatable is rewarding yourself. You won’t crave it if you don’t miss it. If you’re vulnerable to distractions like I am, set short-term goals and reward yourself, perhaps a 15-minute social media break after every 1000 words, or whatever works for you. After all, if it’s preplanned, and scheduled, you take control and it goes from distraction to a to-do list.

Staying Focused

Staying focused can be difficult in a world of distractions. Even outside the distractions addressed in this essay, there are so many other factors that can distract us, for example, noise pollution, initiated conversations, and malfunctioning devices. However, it is crucial to learn how to stay focused on what really matters in order to lead a productive, and fulfilling life. Here are some strategies that I find effective;

i. Start by being intentionally mindful and self-aware. By being present and mentally focused, you are able to control your level of distraction.

ii. Prioritize and identify your goals. Know what’s more important, what needs your urgent attention, and what you want to achieve. If you tend to a task at an appropriate time, you eliminate the chances of being distracted by that task while working on something else, even if that distraction is a simple thought.

iii. Set boundaries for yourself. Say no, or decline tasks and channels that do not align with your goals. This trait will reflect positively even in other aspects of your life.

iv. Break down your tasks and stay organized. Working on big tasks can feel daunting, which is why breaking tasks into manageable bits is an effective way to stay focused. Furthermore, an organized workspace aids less distraction and promotes productivity.

v. Take healthy breaks and indulge in other activities to avoid getting distracted and interrupting your creative space.

Finding Meaning in Life

At its core, finding meaning in life is about figuring out your purpose. What truly matters to you? What aids your decisions and actions? What keeps you on track when things get tough? While it is a journey that requires determination, focus, and discipline, finding meaning in life is significant and comes with a long list of benefits. Having a sense of direction and purpose makes it easier to maintain strong relationships, connect with others, and face obstacles in life. Finding your purpose makes reaching your goals and the point of fulfillment easier. In order to find meaning in life, it is important to be self-reflective. Identify your values, skills, interests, and passions. Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Explore new opportunities and expand your horizons by learning new things, traveling, volunteering, and pursuing new hobbies.

Having figured out your purpose and understanding your long-term goals, the next step is to move forward on a straight path. It is important to set clear, measurable goals. What do you need to achieve, and when do you need to achieve it? Follow that path with focus, and avoid distractions that take you off track. You can achieve this by learning and developing habits and routines to help you manage distractions. It is also vital to sacrifice pleasures and detours that challenge your ability to move forward on a straight path. Your mindset must be aligned with your purpose. A growth mindset plays a crucial role in your ability to stay focused and monitor your growth as it helps you maintain discipline and determination. Finally, embrace challenges and setbacks, doing this reduces the level of impact failure has on your motivation.


Distractions are inevitable, but they can be managed. We are a people of the digital age, unfortunately, that means we continue to spend more time using technology and it is becoming more difficult with each passing day to restore the balance between the overwhelming distractions of technology and staying productive. Our challenge as a people set in a digital age is figuring out how to develop the ability to focus, and overcome these distractions to thread a straight path in achieving our goals. Social media, phone calls, emails, news, and all the distracting channels on your list can wait, especially if we consider the Switch Cost. There are so many effects of distractions on our productivity, including mental and physical effects on our health, some of which can be long-term. There are different strategies that can be used to approach the management of distractions, it is necessary to explore them to find which works best for us. In order to live a fulfilled, happy, and successful life, we must identify our purpose in life, set goals, and work towards accomplishing them with a disciplined mindset.

© Aisha Aminu 2023. All Rights Reserved.

