Finding Happiness, We Need Happiness Every Second

Happiness was always our basic need. Where is it? Maybe God is our only happiness.

Prabhank Sarwaikar
8 min readJun 27, 2023


Photo by Szilvia Basso on Unsplash

There are 3 things without which a person can never live. It is a must to have these 3 things with him. First is happiness, second is knowledge, and third is love. These are the 3 basic things that a person wants in his/her life. No matter how much you try to stop them from coming to you, they will never stop, just like no matter how much you try to hold your breath, at one time you feel suffocated and indeed need to breathe again.

Similarly, no matter how much you try to stop happiness, knowledge, and love from coming into your life, they can never stop, you will need them because they are the most basic need of a person, just like oxygen. And you need them at your every instant. Imagine yourself not getting happiness, knowledge, or love. Let’s look at some examples-

Some people say they can live without happiness, is it possible? A person says I live alone in the house and see I do not need anyone or anything including happiness. I am enjoying my life alone. Do you think, you can really live without happiness, even for a moment? Well, then why did you use the word ‘enjoying’, in the above line? What does enjoying mean? Happiness only, right? You are enjoying, it means you, though alone, are also wanting to have and getting happiness only, which means you are searching for happiness alone, as well. You did not get it? Let me explain in more simple words.

What are you doing right now? Maybe sitting on a chair or lying in the bed. Well, then tell me why you sat or why did you lie down on the bed. You would say, I do not know, I just sat, and I am just laying down on my bed. There is no reason for my sitting or lying in the bed. I just did it, without becoming aware of it. But what if, there is a simple reason for your sitting or lying? Why are you sitting or lying? Tell. Why don’t you stand or walk always? What are you getting from sitting and lying? Yes, the answer is happiness/comfort. That comfort is also happiness. Sitting and lying down on a bed is giving you happiness and comfort.

Surprisingly you are willing to get happiness in every instant. You do not believe it? You start your day, you yawn to get your tiredness out of your body and mind, only because you get comfort out of it, which is after all, happiness only. You brush your teeth and go to bathe. You bathe with warm/cold water. When that water touches you, you felt its warmth/coolness, you get pleasure and that is also happiness. You eat food, which has a taste, that gives you pleasure, which is happiness. You switch on the fan/Air conditioning, you felt pleasure, you felt happy. You walked for some time because you felt comfortable doing it, which is happiness. You became tired, and you wished to sit for a while. Sitting made you feel comfortable, which is happiness.

After that, you felt to lie down for a while, which made you relax a bit, which is again happiness. After that, you started doing some of your work so that you will get fruit, achievement, or good results after doing that work, which is again happiness (For example, you watered the plants in your house, you saw them grow, and that made you happy). You felt tired, after doing your work, and drank some water, which decreased your thirst, which made you pleasurable and satisfied, which is again happiness. You watched TV, played some games on your phone, for some entertainment, for your happiness. You went to your mother/father/brother/sister/son/daughter, to have some fun with them, and cuddle with them, again for happiness. You tried to cuddle your pet, again for happiness.

You went to the washroom to pee or excrete, which made you relieved and light, that is happiness. You talked to some friend of yours for gossip or fun, because you are getting happiness from it. And after spending your entire day finding and getting happiness, you went to sleep, which made you comfortable, relieved, relaxed, and pleasurable, at the same time, which is the best happiness of the entire day. And that is why deep sleep, a sleep without any dreams, completely relaxed is considered the highest material bliss.

Moreover, you do this thing, which is finding and getting happiness, every day. In fact, when you were born, when you were a few seconds old, your first words were, I want happiness. Of course, you did not speak it from your mouth, but your heart did because it was feeling very uncomfortable as birth is a very painful experience for a being. You wanted comfort, happiness, relief, and pleasure, at that time. Even getting bored for a long time starts becoming interesting, which means that you start finding happiness in even in boredom.

Just like happiness, knowledge is the other thing without which we cannot live. That is why we are always in a state of hearing, knowing, speaking, and getting new things because our mind loves to know new things and express them as well, that is why you would have noticed yourself feeling excited, whenever you hear or see a new thing, or speak it to someone with your own words. You cannot live without knowledge as well, no matter how much you try to stop it, you would still need it. It is in nature.

Similarly, you cannot live without love either, because you always need someone to express yourself, whether it is your mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, pet, etc.

But the ultimate goal of these two, which are knowledge and love, is also happiness only, because by gaining knowledge, or by loving, you get again get happiness only. This means happiness or bliss is the thing, which you ultimately want the most.

Well, the thing is our urge for getting happiness/pleasure, knowledge, and love, is not wrong. But we are searching for it in the wrong direction and in the wrong place, which is the material universe. The happiness we get here always decreases.

When you got your first gift, which was a toy, you played with it, and it gave you great happiness for the first time. The second time you played with it, you still got happiness, but this time, it was lesser than before. The third time you played with it, the joy to play with decreased even more. The fourth time you played with it, the happiness decreased even more, and then it vanished. Now, you throw your toy, as if it is some trash or something. Its importance became less valuable to you.

This also happened when you got your first smartphone. Similarly, when you hug your mother, you felt happy, blissful, pleasurable, comfortable, and relieve for the first time. The second time you did the same, it decreased. The third time you did it, it decreased even more. The 4th time, it finished. After that, the mother says to leave, and you also left as it was not giving happiness to both of you as it was before. We are always in search of happiness only, no matter wherever it gets.

This material universe does not have happiness, bliss, love, and even knowledge. We are seeking these things here. You see, God, is an ocean of bliss, happiness, knowledge, and love. He has divine happiness, divine bliss, divine knowledge, and divine love, he is the abode of all these things. And as we are his children, we are his tiny part and parcels. Therefore, a part naturally gets attracted to its source. This means, we, his children, his part and parcels, get naturally attracted and drawn towards him.

God is an ocean of bliss and happiness, therefore, as his tiny part and parcels, we also want bliss and happiness. God is an ocean of love; therefore, we also want love. God is an ocean of knowledge; therefore, we also want knowledge, and God is an ocean of good qualities as well, therefore, we also want others to behave well with us, and we also want someone who also has good qualities. A liar, who never speaks the truth to others, wants others to speak the truth with him. A liar also loves truthfulness. A thief, who steals from everyone, if gets cheated or burgled himself, will never like it at all. See, even bad people also want goodness.

There is no one in this world who does not want happiness, bliss, knowledge, love, and good qualities. Even an animal or insect wants happiness, that is why animals also keep hovering here and there for food and sleep, which is giving them happiness.

But the thing is we are looking for it in the material universe, which is not the right place for our happiness. As said above, God is an ocean of all these things, and we are his tiny part and parcels, we all want happiness from God only. God does not have happiness. If God had happiness, that means he has also got happiness from outside. No, God is happiness. God is bliss. God is knowledge and God is goodness and righteousness. God does not need these things; he already has them. He is them.

Because he is these things, and we want these things, that means we want God only. We want happiness. God is happiness. We want God. Simple. This means everyone is in search of God only.

The constitutional position of a soul is that it is an eternal servant of God. This means our nature is to serve God only. This means our happiness and satisfaction lie in serving God.

Now, did you understand, what we are in search of? We all want and need happiness in every instant. And because God is happiness. We all want and need God only. But we are finding him in this material world through our material senses. God is pure, divine, and spiritual. That is why we need spiritual instruments to find him. What are those spiritual instruments? Those are authentic sages, saints, prophets, and scriptures, from ancient times. And to be spiritual, to be pure, we have to purify our heart, because without purification God cannot grace us. That purification can only happen through devotion.

(Watch the videos of Swami Mukunananda and ISKCON, on youtube, in English for more knowledge about God, devotion, spirituality, etc. To learn and know about God and devotion, from the very beginning, here is an easy and simple course on Swami Mukunananda, below is the link. At home alone, you can very slowly start by watching them on your phone)

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