Finding The Centre Of The Circle

Reflections on the deeper meaning of our daily lives

Michael Holford


Photo by Chaitanya Tvs on Unsplash

How to make a better world, one united, hopeful, filled with dreams,

to learn to see beneath the surface, and unmask the hidden treasures,

As Lao Tzu wrote so long ago if one wants to change the world,

The first change oneself, become the person you want in others,

The world is not what we think about it, or so we are often told,

Neither what we are taught in schools, nor learn from our elders,

If we question our teachers, they will resist, authority asserts!

Every day we should take the time to reflect on all we have heard,

To question facts, once held as true, even if questions seem absurd,

Open our eyes, seek the prize, with the courage to live truths realised!

Never hesitate, if we must wait, resist the impulse to second guess

Let us, with open eyes, meditate on a higher purpose, even under duress,

So that even if within the confusion, we can find our pathway forward!

Finding the centre of the circle, around which our equilibrium spins!

It is within this rhythmic dance that all truth and true wisdom wins!

It is surrounded by so many different voices that our journey begins!

