Finding True North

A philosophy for direction



Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

As a pilot, I have been taught the importance of being able to navigate the skies. Knowing where you are at all times and being certain of your direction is synonymous with the job title. To find my purpose, I understand that like an airplane, I have to follow a system for navigating and identifying my position at all times. The values I have set for myself are the compass that directs my path, I have to be willing to trust the process and to submit without compromise.

When faced with an opportunity for instant gratification, we tend to neglect our values and lose our way. Our biggest mortal flaw is that as humans, we fall for unwarranted happiness that only lasts for a moment. Happiness is fleeting, it is only when we understand this fact that we can begin to progress and maintain the values that keep us accountable.

“Happiness without fulfillment is failure.” -Tony Robbins

Intrinsic motivation — the ability to find motivation from within, the resilience to push just a little bit further even when it’s not fun to do so. That is a discipline to adopt and practice on the journey to finding self. It is important to remember that at the end of life is death, and so the destination of our trip should not be the end, but a point within the journey where we…




Aviation is my first love🛩️ Proud Citizen of Wakanda🇱🇸 At my core, I'm a storyteller 🧘🏾‍♂️ Tweet me @lemyletsoela