Finding Your Tree Allies

Making friends with the wild elders

Theresa C. Dintino
2 min readMay 30, 2024


One of the author’s tree friends. photo by author.

Many people are finding tree allies these days. It seems that at this time on the planet the trees have much to say to humans. If you feel drawn to the trees but don’t know where to begin, here is a simple way to get started with deepening your relationship with them.

First, know that even trees that have been cut down are still here in spirit form. If there is a stump that is calling to you, do not disregard it. The spirit of the tree may still be there, wanting to interact with you.

To form a relationship with one or more trees, begin by noticing which trees want to speak to you. You will know this by the trees you find yourself attracted to. Once you determine which tree (or trees) this is, make an offering of milk at the base of the tree. Tell the tree that you wish to begin to form a relationship with it, and if it has things to tell you, you are open to listening.

Understand that these communications may come in the form of dreams, insights, or communications even when you are not near the tree. If you can find time in your schedule to sit near the tree, that is a very good thing to do. Do not be disappointed if you don’t hear anything linear as you sit near the tree. The trees have their own language and will speak to everyone in different ways. You must learn the tree’s language and your own form of listening. This takes time. Think of it as a courtship.

Do not go to the tree laden with expectation. This will stop the magic for sure. You are bringing gifts and getting to know the tree. Simply go with an open heart of giving and let the relationship unfold in its own way. Be ready to be delightfully surprised. Have fun. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Continue to listen and watch the magic reveal itself.

© Theresa C. Dintino 2024

