First Impressions: Exploring Tatask, the New Kid on the To-Do List Block

The App Advocate
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

In the bustling world of productivity apps, it’s always exciting to see a new contender step into the ring. Today, I’m sharing my first impressions of Tatask, a new to-do list app that’s been making some noise.

Getting Started

Right off the bat, Tatask impresses with its clean and intuitive interface. The sign-up process is straightforward, and within minutes, I was ready to start organizing my tasks.

Task Management

Tatask takes a minimalist approach to task management. Adding a new task is as simple as typing into a text box and hitting enter. There’s no natural language processing like in Todoist, but the simplicity of the task input is refreshing.

Tasks can be categorized into different lists, making it easy to separate work tasks from personal ones, or to organize tasks for different projects. Each task can be assigned a due date, and there’s also an option to set a reminder.

