First Powerful Step to Overcome Every Inequality- Racism, Sexism, Colourism you name it

Hint: The answer is in history.

Prerita Chawla


I’ve always been a huge feminist. To be honest, I’m Borderline radical.

I have a keen eye for the slightest sexism or misogyny around me and I can’t ever let it go. But a big question(it's probably because I have an analytical brain) that I have always failed to answer is.

Why do communities and countries all over the world have patriarchy? How is it that through centuries of oppression and inequality almost no culture realises how powerful an equal society would be? How is it that for years every community has raised its voice against unfairness. Yet we don't have any place without- Genderism, Racism, Casteism, Colourism…the list is endless

And the answer I realized today is something that's so obvious. It has always been in front of us. It's our History.

As George Santayana said — “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

It's so simple, yet powerful.

History is our lens into the past, and our path to the future. One of the quickest and most successful ways to uproot someone's identity is to erase their…



Prerita Chawla

Writer| Biology undergrad | Feminist |Finding the wackiest neuroscience, behaviour and psychology anecdotes for you each day.