First, You Make Habits, And Then Habits Make You.

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5 min readFeb 26, 2024

As you grow, you will realize how easy it is to fall back into your old habits. No matter how much effort you put in, there’s no guarantee that your old habits won’t return. You will find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again and will feel absolutely shattered.

Picture from Pexels by Josh Hild
Image from Pexels — by Josh Hild

It will only leave you feeling hopeless and hesitant to accept yourself as you are, even your bad habits and the parts you loathe. You will feel that maybe you aren’t capable of growth and you will want to give up. Hang in there, especially in those moments.

You don’t realize it but the way you are aware of yourself and your old patterns again shows that you are growing in the right direction. Sometimes, we fall back easily to our old habits because there is a familiarity with them. But we all have learned the hard way that just because it’s familiar doesn’t mean it’s good. When such days happen, remind yourself why you wanted to be different in the first place.

So are you ready to learn and make new habits that will transform your life and make it more peaceful and happy?

1. Make peace with your past

A person’s life is a precious gift from God, and it is based on the present, but you always revolve around the past and in the future cycle, therefore your present will be shattered.

We often do this when we keep thinking about the mistakes we have made in the past and are concerned about the future. We think about what will happen tomorrow and what we will get afterward and the cycle continues.

However, there is no concept of past and future in life. It is impossible to forecast the future and yesterday cannot be rewritten.

I believe that life revolves around the present moment, my dear!

It revolves around living the moment that you are in now. Because you are incapable of correcting your past mistakes, nor do you possess any magical powers to predict your future, stop dwelling on your past, and stop worrying and fighting with the future, be at peace so it won’t annoy you anymore.

Try hard, do your work consistently be honest with yourself, accept your falls courageously instead of blaming yourself, and try to fix them.

One day you’ll reap the rewards.

2. Don’t compare yourself with others

Comparison is one of the toxic proclivities of our society. I do not know why people are so incentivized and do this wholeheartedly.

Typically, comparisons begin with our own homes and our elders are responsible for this allure. If your siblings or any member of your family got stellar grades and you got average or below average, then your trial begins. They start yelling at you and blaming you for this without asking what the reason might be. They just claim you are the cause of the substandard results.

This difference provokes many negative spectra in the life of an individual.

Initially, they lose self-actualization, self-assurance, esteem, vision, and confidence, then negative thoughts invade their minds, they believe that they can’t do anything and are the dumbest people in the world and the villains of their own lives, so they end up physically and mentally sinking into darkness, sometimes even alienating themselves from others.

Would it be okay to do this to an individual?

The Creator made us all unique and different from one another. All individuals have a distinct identity, a unique structure, and a unique value. Throughout the universe, He provides everyone with at least one special characteristic that makes them different and distinguishable from other people. Consequently, why do people spend so much time comparing people with one another?

Their journey is not similar to yours, please do not judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

And you yes you my dear!

You are the precious gem of god, you are noteworthy, god gives you some special responsibility to light up the universe by your phantasm, you are the brave warrior of god, do not lose hope, trust him because you are made for a reason, know your worth and stop comparing yourself with others.

3. What other people think of you

When we began to do any of the work, we initially had a rough draft in our minds. We knew how we would go about negotiating it, and how we would finish it.

But suddenly, this draft was hijacked by the thought of what other people would think of me if I did this.

I think caring about what other people think is a waste of time, and it is not your business what other people feel. Do not waste your time wondering what they think about you. If they do this let them do it.

This is the way life is, people, come and go, and they change over time, but at the end of the day, what’s most important and remains is YOU.

Your consistency, your determination, and your diligent work.

Protect yourself from people’s dilemmas.

4. No one is in charge

All of us face hardships in life, but that does not mean our lives are over.

No! Please

You need to understand the score. There is an end to something or someone in your life. This marks the end of one page in your book, so just turn it over and move forward as you normally would while reading.

Having one flawed page does not make the entire book awful.

Time heals everything, give it time,

You should not allow anyone to take charge of your happiness, power of decision-making, gratitude, wisdom, freedom, and peace of mind.

Remove your self-doubts and believe in yourself, you can achieve what you never thought possible.

5. Always smile

You’ve probably heard that frowning requires more muscles than smiling. Yet, over time, most people tend to forget this fact.

Several benefits can be derived from smiling. It not only reflects our current mood but has the power to change our bad mood. When we smile, we can change or reinforce our feelings, and our moods will align with our facial expressions.

You will never be happy if you are seeking more in your life merely because you will keep struggling to infinity to reach perfection from every life perspective. If you are searching for happiness, it starts with simplicity, self-satisfaction, and peace of mind.

It’s okay not to know every answer, so stop thinking too much. Sometimes it’s okay to remain silent and feel the moment, just observe and learn something new.

Always believe in your true intentions, be motivated, smile, and deal with every situation analytically and intelligently.


Force yourself to live according to your good habits, not with your bad habits. It’s okay if you fall sometimes as long as you can get up again. There will be days when it is a bit heavy. To move on, you have to let your sadness wash over you. You have to swim back to shore and realize that no matter how comfortable standing still feels, you have to move on.




Hi,I’m a freelance SEO based content writer. My write-up is about self-determination, personal growth and societal common issues.