Fitness Hack For Busy People — A Guide

Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2024
Photo by José Martín Ramírez Carrasco on Unsplash

I was guilty of chronic procrastination.

Anything that didn’t have a looming deadline in sight was pushed far down in my to-do list.

And the gym?

I’d go next month. Maybe.

That’s what I kept telling myself since January this year. The idea of working out actually excited me but as a medical student juggling endless assignment, classes, hospital rounds and exams, I just couldn’t find the time. I wanted to feel better though, I NEEDED to do better by my body. So in March, I decided to find some way to squeeze some activity in my day, everyday.

Finding the time seemed impossible but then I realized, it wasn’t about finding huge chunks of time; it was about making the most of the little pockets of free time I had. A quick 15-minute workout in the morning, a brisk walk during my lunch break, or even some stretching while watching TV could add up.

Creating a plan was the next hurdle. With so many workout options, I felt overwhelmed. The key was to start small and simple. I began walking to school every morning instead of taking a taxi (it’s a 7 minute walk). I also started doing yoga at home on Sunday mornings instead of sleeping in. No fancy equipment, no gym membership yet. Just me, my living room, and a little determination. That was it till May, when I started going to the gym once a week. Now I’m able to go to the gym 3 times a week even with my very busy schedule due to effective time management and determination.

As cliché as it sounds

Consistency is the key!

Some days will harder than others. There were times when I felt tired or unmotivated. But I reminded myself of how good I felt after a workout and how that discipline was good for me. It wasn’t just about physical health; it was about my mental well-being too.

Points to note:

  • It’s okay to start slow.
  • Don’t aim for perfection right away.
  • Focus on building a habit.

Small exercises here and there, eating healthy and staying hydrated will go a long way.

Most importantly, listen to your body. If you’re tired, rest. If you’re feeling energetic, push yourself to do a little more.

So, if you’re like me, you have an impossible schedule and the idea of hitting the gym or creating a sustainable fitness routine fills you with dread, don’t worry. I could do it, which means you can do it too. Start small, be consistent, and remember, every step counts. Your future self will thank you.




Medical Student | Health & Wellness Writer | Life Of The Party for inquiries.