Five Black Movies That Answers Significant Societal Questions

Fatunla Samuel
Published in
5 min readFeb 17, 2022


Every black person should watch them once in their lifetime.

Photo by Louis from Pexels

These days, it is not enough to produce a movie and let it blow up into the horizon. It is also necessary to ensure the film is as good as time itself.

Hollywood has been dominated by great films in the past decade, but there are still few movies that have made waves beyond the industry.

No!… Not just in terms of their reviews and comments, but also in terms of their influence on the new generation, when they get their name mentioned in different movie chat rooms and several other Google searches.

Many of these movies are known for their syntax and intent synapses with several societal questions.

Some are relationship, family, or comedy movies, while others have a strict range of genres, like war and horror.

Here are the five black movies that answer significant societal questions:


How often do women struggle?

For Colored Girls, as the title suggests, is a black film, but not just any black film, one that depicts the struggles of colored girls in life and relationships.



Fatunla Samuel

I write personal essays and reflective pieces that draw from my life experiences, offering readers insights and lessons to enrich their own lives.