Five Commandments of Freedom

Oyabevwe Joshua
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2020
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Looking through my quora digest, I came across an interesting post by James Altucher, where he outlines five commandments of freedom that changed his life and career. This made me realize a couple of things about my own life. It brought me perspective about how i have gotten where i am today. While i didn't have the laws at the back of my mind, this is how i have lived my life for the past half a decade. Utilizing these laws of personal freedom.

There are numerous bad habits that have left many trapped in a state of denial, whether consciously or not. According to James, the part to true freedom is knowing what aspect of your life is dragging you down and combating it with the right medicines.

Here are things you should free yourself from in order to enjoy life’s freedom.

1. Freedom from Money concerns

While celebrities aren’t filing much for bankruptcy these days, there was a time it was a common practice. The boxing legend Mike Tyson In his heydays reportedly made more than $400 million but later filed for bankruptcy in 2003.

What happened to all that wealth? Extravagant spending. Iron Mike was known for buying mansions, sports cars, hosting massive parties, and other things he didn't need. In the end, he was left with $18 million of unpaid taxes, $50k on unpaid child support, and $600k on legal fees.

Money concerns are still one of the biggest traps in society today. People daily are striving to make money in order to buy things they dont need. This has kept them from finding true happiness and freedom. It's not about how big a paycheque you make, its about financial intelligence.

Financial intelligence is a pioneer for financial freedom. Too bad, many are still imprisoned in financial captivity.

Learning to spend way less than you make is the key to financial freedom.

Don’t be a prisoner of your bank account

2. Freedom from Health Concerns

Alcohol isn’t the only thing that affects your health negatively, eating is also a habit that needs proper control.

To enjoy freedom in health, you must eat, exercise, and sleep responsibly.

3. Freedom from validation

Never before have people craved validation than in today’s world. The need for approval is so thick that it can be ascribed as a dopamine hit. That’s right, that’s the same spike gotten taking cocaine. Do you think you don’t seek validation? How excited do you get when you have a thousand likes on your post on social media, and how sad does it make you when you don’t get a single one? Like I said, Dopamine hit.

A need for validation is a habit that is no better than that of coke addiction.

Don’t be a prisoner of people’s opinions. Do things because you love doing them regardless of the outcome or how people feel about it.

4. Freedom of outcome

The struggle to become rich is precisely the reason many are unhappy. When you subject yourself to things you have no control over, the result is many times often a trap and a feeling of inferiority.

With success road maps, you can do all Bill did and still fail in the end. Instead, focus on getting better at what you do. Like James put it, do not write to publish a novel, write to become a better writer.

Don’t be a prisoner of society’s expectations or unrealistic goals.

5. Freedom from toxic people

People closest to you are often the ones capable of bringing you down. Find the right atmosphere of people you love and those who love you in return; for there, you will thrive.

This also means you are to be as honest to your lovers as lovers should be to one another. Always say the truth, regardless of how they might feel. Don’t make anyone feel they are in the right when they are not.



Oyabevwe Joshua

Joshua is a freelance copywriter offering his forthright opinion on lifestyle, business, and marketing. Fueled by great curiosity, proven data, & experience