Five Tips For Growing Gorgeous Tomatoes

Backyard Garden Chronicles
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2024


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Tomatoes are one of my staple crops every year. I grow A LOT of tomatoes, and I also give a lot away. My tomatoes usually keep producing until the frost sets in, though they can get bitter when the cold weather comes in.

However, it wasn’t always like that. I’ve certainly had my share of failures, smooth seas never made a skilled sailor. So I’ve learned a few things along the way. Here are five things that I have implemented to keep my tomato plants producing all summer.

  1. Give them a good head start — I will top-dress my bed with a layer of compost when getting the soil ready to plant. When I plant my tomatoes, I sprinkle a little Tomato Tone in the holes to help with root development. I’ve tried the crushed eggshell method, and I can tell you from my experience that the Tomato Tone works better for my tomatoes.
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2. Bury them deep — I will set them in the hole almost to the first set of leaves when I plant my tomatoes. Anywhere the stem touches the dirt along the stem will produce roots. As with other plants, the more roots you have, the better your plant will perform.



Backyard Garden Chronicles

My garden doesn't care one bit how I show up as long as I do.