Five Tricks I Use to Boost My Energy When I’m Feeling Lazy

Ignored activities that light you up instantly

Jessey Anthony


How to Increase Energy and Motivation
Photo by Trần Long from Pexels

There are days I wake up feeling lazy and trapped. No matter what I do, I cannot seem to shake it off.

I feel tired and constantly fall asleep during the day. I often sit idle and feel unable to do anything productive and put off the things I want to accomplish.

Sometimes you feel your energy drained after weeks of hard work or spontaneously when you wake up and find it hard to find motivation.

Whenever you think of something you would like to do or achieve, you cannot find the energy or drive to work toward it.

Feeling exhausted, lazy, and demotivated can arguably be overwhelming and may drive you into a loop of self-sabotaging thoughts.

So what do you do when you feel no energy or motivation to do anything?

Play your favorite song

Did you know our body response to music? Science has proven that music can relieve stress. In some cases, people have regained their ability to speak by listening to music.

I remember when I was depressed, I would often play Christian songs and listen to the words. As the sounds echoed, I would feel my energy rise as my…



Jessey Anthony

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: