“Flabbergasted”, Is The Only Word I Can Use to Describe It

The American right has adopted Communism as its own ideology and it is simply shocking.

Lord Dukes de Enfer



Ronald Reagan isn’t turning over in his grave, he’s spinning like the Wheel-O Fun at the carnival.

Dick Cheney has lived for years without a functioning heart, and this may be what kills him.

But I digress.

When I saw the GOP openly commit loyalty and allegiance to Communism, it was jarring. But we have reached that cold day in hell, haven’t we?

How many times have you heard some Maga hat-wearing, tribal tattoo-covered lunatic yelling this or that about “Marxism”? How many times have you seen the McCain sound byte from the debate where he says, “I look into Putin’s eyes and I see K.G.B.”?

The right-wing based everything on the fear of communism taking America’s soul for what, 70 years? Now an American president defers to a communist leader over his own secret service.

Communist Russia didn’t interfere with or lobby Americans to try and directly influence the 2016 US election, they tried to rig it for the GOP. Which is grounds for war. That is why the below individuals were indicted.



Lord Dukes de Enfer

Shit is about to get real. Or I’m just going to complain a lot. "Medium is the new Penthouse Forum" - Ben Adler