Flea Republic

Time to take a trip!

Göktuğ Okumuş
5 min readMar 2, 2021


photo by Göktuğ Okumuş — instagram

- My dear beloved citizens! Thank you all for coming here today. We are passing through hard times, as you know we are facing great danger and I’m so sorry to say this but, if we don’t do something soon, we can lose our lives.

The crowd grumbled. Some politically opposite sides raised their voices.

- You bring us here, we told you not to do this, the host was too old, and you knew it!

Screamed someone from the back of the crowd.

- Yeah! And you stupid idiots, you all looked the other side.

Shouted the other one.

- Silence! Silence! Please, my dear people, it’s not the time for being separated; it is the time for being united!

Said and waited a little bit for the crowd to calm down.

- Unfortunately, our host will get sedated soon because of his illness, according to our watchers. That is why we were trying to find a new host with my advisers, but there is no suitable one for our big community. And I have to say that we are all on our own after this time. I’m dismissing our parliament and government.

The crowd did more than grumbled this time. “Citizens of the Flea Republic” became violent and started to throw the president what they found randomly in the living ground.

- It was an honor to being president for-

It was the last words of the president when soldiers were escaping him from the angry crowd.

The chaos surrounded everywhere. The citizens were acting like crazy, running around, were packing their stuff. The families lost their members. Fathers and mothers were searching for their kids. The sound of screams and cries; It was a day that they will not forget if they manage to survive.

There was a group of young fleas in the corner, next to the famous skin crumb restaurant.

- Okay, it was something that we are waitin’.

Said the leader of them, called Gypsy.

- So, we are doing the plan. Right?

Asked, the shortest of them, called Palooka.

- I arranged our ride. It will be a little bumpy.

Said the most handsome of them, called Hair Bow.

- What are we waiting for then?

Asked, the youngest of them, called Pochemuchka.

And they got their backpacks which they prepared a week ago and started their journey.

They were going to the edge of the unknown lands; The tail of their old dog host. They decided it will be the safest way to jump into their ride a couple of days ago.

They passed from dangerous lands and forests and faced some creatures from fascinating, scary flea legends. Almost, they never stopped. Their lives were in danger. They scared so much. But adrenaline took control, and they continued to move.

After some uncertain time, they arrived at their destination, jumping point.

They can’t imagine being here if the host they are on it was younger. But this host’s tail was not moving even a bit.

- Are you sure we arrived on time?

Said Pochemucka when asking his millionth question.

(Pochemucka’s name was given by a Russian flea who came to Republic many years ago. It’s mean the person who asks too many questions.)

- Shut up! or I will beat you to death.

Yelled Palooka that is tired of fighting with strange creatures.

(He was a talented boxer when he was younger, but he lost the biggest tournament in the final match with a clumsy mistake. And fleas started to call him Palooka.)

- All my clothes ruined, look at my shoes! These are “Fleaton” covered in mud!

Said Hair Bow.

(I guess you all get it why they call him hair bow.)

- Look! Here, they are bringing the cat to the vet table.

Yelled the Gypsy.

(He was raised by the gypsies when they found him when he was a baby. He was the one holding the group together. They would lose their way without him.)

There were two surgery tables in the vet place, and they were close to each other for flea jumping.

- Now, this our chance, lads. Here we go when I say three!

He counted to the three; it was like an eternity. And they jumped. It was a successful jump.

They were watching this cat for two weeks from the day it came to the vet’s place. It was a perfect ride for them because somebody found it in the street, she was too sick, but in these two weeks, she got the best treatment and became ready and healthy again to go back to her home in the green area they found her.

(For those who are not familiar with cats living outside. There are countries in the world in which cats living in the streets, and people are giving them cat houses, food, etc.)

So, they were in their ride now. Our adventurous fleas immediately camouflaged themself when the vet is doing the last checks.

- Looks healthy and ready to go!

Said the vet.

The four bold fleas managed to escape from death. They went to the green area with their ride. She was their ride, not their host because their plan wasn’t over yet. They were planning to find a new cozy, hot place for themselves in this cold season. The last step of the mission was to find a house pet.

So they started to look out, and they watched for days. Finally, they decided to jump to a dog called Ziggy. He was looking so healthy and happy.

Ziggy was always trying to eat cat food which people put, and one day, they jumped to him when Ziggy was trying to eat their cat host’s food.

They were so happy about their new home. Ziggy’s house was warm, and his body was an unspoiled beauty. They were eating, singing, passing their days with luxury.

In the meantime, in the human world;

- I think it happened again, love.

Said the guy when he is drinking his coffee.

- What?

Asked the girl, while working with something on her computer.

- Fleas, Ziggy is itching a lot again.

- I’m always telling you it’s because of the cats. We should be more careful about them.

- Yeah, you are right.

- Can you check the fridge? There should be drops.

Said the girl when she is holding Ziggy.

The song of the writing is “Road Trippin’ by Red Hot Chili Peppers”.


PS; The story belongs to me. There is nothing related to the song.

