Don’t Make the Same Mistake — Stop Wasting Your Time on Big Publications

Stop flippin' the coin.

I, Napoleon B.


Stop flippin’ the coin.
Photo by Jizhidexiaohailang on Unsplash

It is OK to take chances in life. It is better to have tried and failed than live a life of regret.

When I started writing again, it was both a mental and creative release.

I was first asked to write in a publication, which for me was like the Universe was conspiring and telling me, this is where you needed to be right now. I didn’t need to flip a coin. The answer to my question is, go and write.

Not only that, but as I look back at some major decisions I made in my life, I took chances.

Like when I was thinking should I work as a cruise photographer, which I did. Or when it comes to the men, I loved, and while a few ended up badly, it was all worth the pain.

As I immersed myself in the world of writing. My next goal was to be published in more prominent publications.

Those publications with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of followers. I felt if, and when I get published there, my blogging has taken the next step. To me, it is a validation. Maybe at that time, I felt I needed that to be validated.

It didn’t happen as quickly as I thought it would be. I got accepted to be a ‘writer’ in the biggest…



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: