Virtual Co-working on Focusmate— 95k minutes of focus

I did not know I needed it

3 min readDec 9, 2023


My focusmate wrapped (credits :

I am grumpy in the morning, my brain doesn’t work. I am a night owl and I have anxiety, so things don’t always work out the way I want them to. And to top it all off, I am working in solitude.

What happens next is: anxiety, more anxiety, overthinking, prioritization issues, avoidance. I could go on for hours.

After months of deliberation (yes, months), I was persuaded by my sister to use Focusmate. It is simply heaven-sent.

Image via

I worried initially, had my quite illogical but sane reasons about how is out there, how will I work in front of a stranger when I don’t see my neighbors more than once in a month. Going to their house and saying a friendly Namaste is too much for my social anxiety.

I was scared because this time, like most of the time, it’s me, Hi I am the problem, it's me. What if I say something wrong, or I do something the partner doesn’t like? Maybe they get irritated by my frequent movements out of the camera. And what if I can’t answer their seemingly easy and of course kind questions? What if I offend them? What if everyone blocks me?

My fear was irrational, like most are. Because on Focusmate exists a bunch, rather a large bunch, of people who are very kind, considerate, and love music and reading books and do a lot of awesome work!

Picture this: the grumpy procrastinator trying to peel herself off the bed every morning. It’s a task worthy of winning a Nobel Prize in Difficulty! However, once I get into the work groove, it’s like riding a roller coaster — thrilling and satisfying.

Co-working has helped me alleviate my anxiety and procrastination, and committing to a goal in advance has made me more ambitious

It has a ring of the friendliest, most understanding souls on the planet. We’re like a gang of ordinary superheroes, each with our own quirks.

I met a German-Iranian illustrator. Must confess — I envy her room. It has huge windows and a bit of a hilly view outside, making for a perfect view. So to digress…I had never met an artist. So I didn’t know art residencies existed. They do. She told me about that when she was applying for a program in Italy.(BTW, her work is great, check it out here.)

I also worked with a very talented film-maker, an art historian, another writer-illustrator(Hi! Skoshie and friends), an acturian, an accountant (who loves people more than numbers so, she trains and teaches), a polyglot-educational consultant (who shares a common interest in reading non-fiction), screenwriters, anthropologists, sculptors, freelance writers and dozens of students.

I also met Rebekah Arana Ma’am, who with her impeccable wit and wisdom is an incredible writer. Her blogs are wonderful and her books…shh, I can’t spill the beans.

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

How does it work? You sign up and start your first session book from a range of 25, 50 and 75-minute long sessions, and voilà! You get matched with a person randomly anywhere in the world. You state your goals and begin, and the best sessions (most of them) end with a sweet encouragement and a friendly goodbye!

Focusmate is my elixir of focus, banishing procrastination and bonding me with kindred spirits. So here’s to my 2000+ sessions of unwavering dedication and forging quiet connections with extraordinary Focusmates.

Here’s a referral link: try focusmate for free for a month —

The referral links in this post are not affiliated, I don’t earn a commision if you join it.

