Fond Memories of Skeeter — A Beloved Horse.

Freda Savahl
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2024


Saying Goodbye to an Equine Friend Who Touched Our Hearts!

Skeeter going for a walk with the boys, Oliver, Hudson and their mom 2024.Author’s photo.

A life well-lived for a well-loved horse:

Today, Skeeter, a cherished horse who had lived on the farm for 33 years, left this world to go to horse heaven. Although his departure saddens us, we are reminded of the joy and fulfillment he brought to our lives.

Our hearts go out to the owner as she shared the sad news of her beloved horse Skeeter’s passing. We learn that Skeeter laid down quietly in the field, where he roamed. There he breathed his last breath in peace.

The profound connection between a pet owner and their animal companion can have a powerful impact on those around them. In a heartwarming scene, Oliver and Mason, the toddler grandsons are moved by the depth of care shown for a beloved horse, even worrying about whether the celestial beings will feed Skeeter his favorite food.

They wondered if the angels would ride him and if they would feed him his favorite oats and hay.

Finally, their grandmother sat the boys down & said,

“We don’t know what happens after animals die, but we like to imagine that they go to heaven and are surrounded by angels. Skeeter was very old, and his heart



Freda Savahl

Retired Nurse Practitioner WHC /Contract Provider Deployment Military Services. US Citizen. Immigrant from South Africa 1978.