Footmarks of Freedom

The rain had stopped, and sun rays were piercing through some clouds to reach the silvery blaze spread all over the ground. It looked as if someone had hung golden threads from a dirty ceiling.

Anurag Biswas
2 min read5 days ago


Photo by Paul Green on Unsplash

Serene sat by the northern window of her study and started at the huge eucalyptus by her house's main gate waiting for a pigeon with a blue headband carrying a scroll.

All the time the storm tossed the peaks of the trees in the garden ornamenting her house Serene moved everywhere in her study in great turmoil. The pigeon meant a decision to her. The decision for her freedom from her captivity, freedom from the stony adversaries stuffed with books and pens.

The society never understood her. Neither her innocence nor her open and loving character. People took advantage and her parents to secure her from any such danger of this world and locked her in the vicious traps of academics. Serene loves buds, flowers newborn leaves, and even the withered or olden leaves. Every member in the Tree of Life is important to her, and So is the pigeon The scroll will contain only the word “Adieu” and nothing else written by joining words of various newspaper cuttings. It is from a trusted friend of hers, the only guy who came to understand her.

Photo by Filip Bunkens on Unsplash

Just then she heard amidst the silence after the storm a small “CooCoo” and the rustling of a few olden leaves. In her amazement, she saw the pigeon sitting in the very awaited branch of the eucalyptus looking with red eyes. It had a blue band on its head and a small scroll tied to its Legs. Serene smiled, and then there was a sound of the window pane glass breaking, along with quick steps on the snow, becoming fainter and fainter until they completely disappeared in the arms of Mother Nature.

