Forgiving the Narcissist — Islam’s POV & Psychologists’ POV
Islam, Psychology & Both
The ability to forgive is indeed a virtue. Most of the prominent religions like Islam & Christianity stress too much the act of forgiving. Also, they stress having patience during hardships.
It’s a nice thing to do and definitely, people who forgive are better than the ones who hold grudges. Religions aside, even society and schools teach forgiveness.
But why do these psychologists say you mustn’t forgive the narcissists?
Religions say have patience but we psychologists say — save yourselves. What’s the right thing to do? Let’s check it out! P.S. — I am extremely religious + a man of science. So, this one will be unbiased.
In this article we’ll look at the following questions —
· Why Psychologists Say You Shouldn’t Forgive a Narcissist?
· What Does the Religion Islam Say?
· Are Psychologists Misguiding People in Narcissism?
Let’s Begin!!!