Former Dentist Makes 500k/Year Doing What You Want to Do

Meet Kieran Drew.

Cait Mack


Caroline LM

If you’re not familiar with Kieran Drew, he’s pretty popular on Twitter/X.

He’s a former dentist who decided he hated teeth. Or at least working on them. So, he started writing online. And then he learned how to write better.

And the how to create products. And community. And now he spends his time doing what he wants. And makes 500k a year. With no employees. Just some help from his girlfriend (put a ring on it already, man).

Steal some of his blueprint.

90-Day Sprints: Test Like a Ninja, Pivot Like a Ghost

Don’t get stuck in product purgatory. Ideas? Give ’em a 3-month trial run.

Products, systems, niches — all get the 90-day gauntlet. Track progress (and joy), then adapt or vanish faster than a ninja in the night.

Shiny Object Slayer: Commit to Constraints

Social media got you flitting from one “bright idea” to the next like a butterfly with ADD? Pick your battles.

Set clear limits and focus your energy. Remember, a master swordsman only needs one blade.

Price Like a Boss: Value Trumps



Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: