Four Signs That Separate Deep Thinkers From Over Thinkers

Get smarter at reading an intellectual’s thinking pattern and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and effort.

Jano le Roux


A young man covered in sticky notes — with tasks written on them — standing in the corner of a home office over thinking things.
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

I read people smart wrong for most of my career.

I was always trying to determine how to identify intelligent people. Someone gave me the if you’re the smartest person in the room, get another room advice. I got really good at spotting intellectuals.

But what the person who came up with the smartest person in the room's advice forgot to mention is that there are two very different types of intellectuals.

  • Deep thinkers
  • Over thinkers

And I accidentally surrounded myself with a bunch of highly intelligent overthinkers. Before I knew it, I became an over thinker.

I was over thinking everything.

  • What I was going to say.
  • What I was going to do.
  • What I was going to think.

But one day I started over thinking the over thinkers I surrounded myself with and I luckily got over them too.

I’ve learned: There is a very fine line between over thinking and deep thinking.



Jano le Roux

I run a Meta ad agency making marketing feel effortless. Ready to grow your brand? Connect: Join me ⤵️