Four Signs That Teens Are Under Extreme Stress

Are you extremely stressed right now?

Wildan Faathira
5 min readApr 3, 2021


Many people do not realize the presence of pressure in them. This condition can cause chronic stress that can harm their physical and mental health.

Severe stress can occur when a person experiences excessive mental or emotional stress. However, not everyone can immediately realize that he is suffering from extreme anxiety. This condition can be detected and treated immediately. We need to recognize what are the characteristics of severe stress.

Heavy stress can be caused by various things, ranging from workloads, family problems, loss of loved ones, suffering from certain illnesses, divorce, losing work, and being in debt.

This time it will focus on teenagers.

Teenagers are a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. At this time, teenagers will experience various life dynamics that often cause psychological stress, leading to stress.

Most parents do not realize the signs of stress in children. This could be due to the misconception that only adults can be stressed. Children from five years to adolescence also have the possibility of experiencing stress.

Generally, children and teenagers cannot understand and express how they feel. They are not even aware that what they are experiencing is stress. Therefore, parents must help identify the symptoms of stress in children and teenagers.

That’s a significant change

Some changes in the behavior of teenagers who experience stress need to be aware. For example, he may refuse to engage in activities with his friends, is more anxious than usual, and sleeps less or more than usual. Besides, they started consuming more caffeinated products and behaving more aggressively.

In addition to visible behavioral changes, a person with stress disorders will also experience emotional changes such as more irritability, sadness, difficulty relaxing, and fluctuating emotions.

Besides, someone who is stressed will also experience physical changes. Starting from feeling weak, not feeling hungry, losing weight, and often feeling panic.

Overcome stress from an early age

Depressed teenagers will experience changes in thought patterns and behavior. They may enjoy solitude, lack enthusiasm, sleep excessively, change their eating habits, and may also exhibit criminal behavior.

The following are signs that teenagers are heavily stressed:

1. Having a headache

Headaches are pain that occurs in any part of the head. Pain can occur in one area of ​​the head and on both sides of the head. Also spread from one part of the head to the other.

The pain intensity can be mild, but it can also be quite substantial. The pain can come on gradually or suddenly and can last from less than an hour to days. The pain pattern can be a throbbing, bumpy, or sharp pain like a stabbing pain.

Some people can experience severe headaches to be unable to carry out daily activities, such as going to work or school.

Stress can also show up in physical symptoms such as headaches. If a child complains of headaches very often, he may experience significant stress. Moreover, this illness occurs when it is time to take an exam or do an important task.

However, they do not need to worry because these symptoms can be cured. Treat this condition with various medications while considering possible risk factors. For more information, discuss it with the doctor.

2. Difficulty Sleeping

Sleep is a time for the body to rest. Unfortunately, sleep disorders often attack and reduce sleep quality. Not only the elderly, but sleep disorders can also occur in teenagers.

At the development of teenagers, the time for sleep is reduced. Not infrequently, sleeping time in the afternoon or evening must be sacrificed because of the many activities.

Taking lessons or various activities at school are several reasons. The habit of playing with gadgets before bedtime also often makes them forget to sleep late at night.

Sleep disturbances are a common condition in children and teenagers. However, this condition often goes undetected because parents may think that their child has difficulty sleeping usually. This condition could be a sign that the child has serious sleep problems.

If this condition continues, the quality of sleep will deteriorate.

As a result, Teenagers cannot fully concentrate in class, are exhausted, and experience emotional problems, such as stress later in life.

3. Become anxious

The teenage phase is a time when humans experience enormous emotions, thought, and feeling upheaval. Not surprisingly, many studies show that teenagers experience anxiety.

Increased anxiety among teenagers is currently a problem. The causes also vary, but they are mostly due to a fear of failure. Most are very worried about how other people think of them.

Sometimes even those who are in the right family situations experience anxiety.

Many teenagers suffer from anxiety because their parents are too ambitious and obsessed with their children’s success. The parents then act like personal assistants to ensure that their children are not less competitive.

Sometimes parents want to build their child’s self-esteem with motivational words. However, often the motivation is wrong because parents encourage and praise their children unrealistically. It makes children afraid of failure and afraid of not being able to meet their parents’ expectations.

4. Irritable easily

It is humane when someone feels irritable because certain things trigger it. Some people get angry quickly at certain times. However, it becomes a problem when this irritability occurs uncontrollably. It could be, there are emotional problems in people who experience it.

It is a good thing to vent emotions, including releasing them in the form of anger. However, irritability can be categorized as a mental health problem if it persists even though the trigger is simple.

If the habit of being irritable is continuously allowed, it may be excluded to an extreme point one day. The most common behavior is violence. For example, teenagers who get angry easily even hit others even though they do not mean to do it.

Teenagers need to get professional help if their irritability is destructive. It starts from doing internal violence at school, destroying things, and endangering themself, such as driving speed when angry.



Wildan Faathira

I share about Self-Development and Personal Branding tips through my story and experience