Four Ways To Not Piss Off Your Airbnb Guests

Tips from a professional short-term renter

Viki Fernandez-Hines


Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

As an aspiring vagabond, I have a lot of experience with vacation rentals. While I’m not an investor and have never rented out my own property or rooms to strangers, I do take advantage of them regularly and have stayed in about twenty different homes in the last three years. From campers in backyards to sailboats in marinas, I’ve become a bit of an Airbnb connoisseur.

My most recent stay has been a bit of an eye-opener. I’ve realized that I’ve become more of a short-term rental snob instead of the minimalist that I have been aspiring to be, and this latest experience has frustrated me enough to the point of article inspiration for those contemplating the journey to hostship.

Since its inception in 2008, the online hospitality service has gained immense popularity as an alternative to hotels. There are 2.9 million hosts in 2020, and 14,000 new ones joining the platform each month according to Airbnb data.

If you’ve been profiting off the vacation rental marketplace for years, you’ve already figured out what it takes to succeed. But if you’re just starting or have been toiling with the idea to supplement some income or make a living so you can be free to live your best life, here is my advice on how to not get that dreaded…



Viki Fernandez-Hines

Free-floating centrist, writer of inspirational stories, middle-aged “woke”-ness, loss, mental health, travel and minimalism.