Fracas Words

On Scenarios Apart

Suntonu Bhadra
Published in
1 min readJul 15, 2020


Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

Sometime in the 1990s

The school bell rang, the hours over,
Knocked summertime glimpse from the school window,
We jumped in joy; books packed in the bag; benches closed, desks locked,
A cheerful fracas emerged.

Ah! My golden summer-days.

Most of the time in 2020

A debate ongoing around- how to stop the spread, how to cure?
Burning legion approached, in deadly virus form-
approaching a world of fracas or a world in unison! Confused.
Summertime is knocking. Again.
Except for the cheers, we are covered in lifetime fears.

©️Suntonu Bhadra, 2020. Rights reserved, but the happiness is not.

This poem is in response to dear Terry Mansfield’s poetry challenge, ‘fracas’. The never-ending poetry prompt originally initiated by Martin Rushton. Following is Terry’s wonderful words in prompt link:

