Frankie Trumbauer: Trumbology-Classic Early Jazz Recordings

Brian Westland
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2022


Frankie Trumbauer, born in Carbondale, Illinois, in 1901, is one of the first great jazz saxophonists. He became famous as a player of the rare C-melody saxophone, an instrument with a pitch that falls between an alto and tenor saxophone.

Trumbauer was a saxophonist of considerable influence who is credited by many later greats of the instrument as an inspiration. Trumbauer was often referred to by the moniker, “Tram.”

Trumbauer began his career with the Paul Whiteman Band in the early Twenties. When he switched to the Jean Goldkette Orchestra, he met the great cornetist, Bix Beiderbecke, with whom he would later become a close friend and collaborator.

In 1927, Trumbauer formed his own orchestra and with Beiderbecke, Eddie Lang, and Jimmy Dorsey produced some of the best jazz ever recorded.

In a series of legendary sessions, the Frankie Trumbauer Orchestra would record, “Singing the Blues,” “Clarinet Marmalade,” “For No Reason at all in C,” “Riverboat Shuffle,” Ostrich Walk,” and others.

Cornetist Bix Beiderbecke was the star of the Trumbauer Orchestra, and Beiderbecke’s work on these recordings is considered his best ever.

On the brilliant side, “Trumbology,” Trumbauer delivers one of the first true saxophone tour…



Brian Westland

I’m new to Medium. I’m a pop music blogger and writer on music, film and hockey. I’ve won awards… tshirts…for eating chicken wings and poutine.