Free College, Free Grad School, Free Money To Start A Business, For People With Disabilities

Todd Williams
Published in
7 min readApr 3, 2021
Free College, Free Grad School, Free Money To Start A Business, For People With Disabilities
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

The law is called the Rehabilitation Act, and it was enacted in the ’80s. Federal law {29 U.S. Code § 701 to 29 U.S. Code § 723} and federal regulations {34CFR361.5 to 34CFR361.57}

It will pay for college (undergrad and grad school), buy you a car, pay all your medical expenses, including dentistry, the security deposit for rent and housing, pay for your moving expenses to move to another State, provide you with cash until you get your first paycheck, and a lot more.

The Rehabilitation Act will provide you with almost everything you need. Federal law (29 U.S. Code § 723) and the federal regulations (34CFR361.5 and 34CFR361.48).

To attain the services under the Rehabilitation Act, you have to apply to your State’s Department of Rehabilitation Services.

Many do not know about the Rehabilitation Act because many politicians hate this law and have been doing everything they can to kill it. They have done a good job.

If you are denied any service, you can request a hearing, and this is when Administrative Law applies.

The procedure for Administrative Law is different than any other legal procedure. If you do not know the procedure or make one mistake, you will lose each and every time.

Administrative Law is designed to make sure you lose.

If you want to know more about Administrative Law, then please see my article called Impartial due process hearing for Vocational Rehabilitation Services — Department of Rehabilitation. What you can do to Win!

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) helps people with disabilities from kindergarten to high school.

The Rehabilitation Act helps people with disabilities go to college, graduate college, and attain employment, including self-employment.

The Americans with Disabilities Act helps people with disabilities keep employment.

Free College & Free Grad School

To attain Free College & Free Grad School, you have to use both the federal law (29 U.S. Code § 723) and the federal regulations (34CFR361.48), which state the following.

29 U.S. Code § 723. Vocational rehabilitation services

(a)(5) Vocational and other training services, including the provision of personal and vocational adjustment services, books, tools, and other training materials, except that no training services provided at an institution of higher education shall be paid for with funds under this subchapter unless maximum efforts have been made by the designated State unit and the individual to secure grant assistance, in whole or in part, from other sources to pay for such training

(a)(18) Encouraging qualified individuals who are eligible to receive services under this subchapter to pursue advanced training in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (including computer science) field, medicine, law, or business

34 CFR § 361.48 — Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities

(b)(6) Vocational and other training services, including personal and vocational adjustment training, advanced training in, but not limited to, a field of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (including computer science), medicine, law, or business); books, tools, and other training materials, except that no training or training services in an institution of higher education (universities, colleges, community or junior colleges, vocational schools, technical institutes, or hospital schools of nursing or any other post-secondary education institution) may be paid for with funds under this part unless maximum efforts have been made by the State unit and the individual to secure grant assistance in whole or in part from other sources to pay for that training.

Free Money To Start A Business

Some politicians hate this part and have done everything they can to kill it or make sure it does not work.

The following are the laws that say they have to give you money to start a business.

29 U.S. Code § 723. Vocational rehabilitation services

(a)(12) Occupational licenses, tools, equipment, and initial stocks and supplies

(a)(13) Technical assistance and other consultation services to conduct market analyses, develop business plans, and otherwise provide resources, to the extent such resources are authorized to be provided through the statewide workforce development system, to eligible individuals who are pursuing self-employment or telecommuting or establishing a small business operation as an employment outcome

34 CFR § 361.48 — Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities

(b)(16) Occupational licenses, tools, equipment, initial stocks, and supplies.

(b)(19) Technical assistance and other consultation services to conduct market analyses, develop business plans, and otherwise provide resources, to the extent those resources are authorized to be provided through the statewide workforce development system, to eligible individuals who are pursuing self-employment or telecommuting or establishing a small business operation as an employment outcome.

To attain the services for self-employment, you will have to use ALL of the following.

34 CFR § 361.50 — Written policies governing the provision of services for individuals with disabilities

(c ) Payment for services.

(1) The State unit must establish and maintain written policies to govern the rates of payment for all purchased vocational rehabilitation services.

(2) The State unit may establish a fee schedule designed to ensure a reasonable cost to the program for each service, if the schedule is -

(i) Not so low as to effectively deny an individual a necessary service; and

(ii) Not absolute and permits exceptions so that individual needs can be addressed.

(3) The State unit may not place absolute dollar limits on specific service categories or on the total services provided to an individual.

34 CFR § 361.50 (c )(2)(ii) and 34 CFR § 361.50 (c )(3) are very important. States have used all kinds of exceptions to deny the services of self-employment and have been very creative at it.

They have put limits on the amount of money you can receive. Yet, at the same time, say they provide exceptions or say that they have gone beyond what is required. However, no one has ever attained any exceptions.

They might say they are not in violation of 34 CFR § 361.50 ©(3).

Here is the rub.

When the exceptions are eliminated, then 34 CFR § 361.50 (c )(3) kick in. If the State gives Joe $50,000 to attend the University of Phoenix, then they must provide you with the same amount in services.

The State might say that you have to pay 20% to 50% of the costs.

In every State, the law says that if it is not reasonable, then it is illegal.

If you have no money and no job, where are you going to get the 20% to 50%?

The following federal regulations prove that the State knows you have no money and no job.

34 CFR § 361.42 — Assessment for determining eligibility and priority for services

(a)(4)(i) The State unit is responsible for informing individuals, through its application process for vocational rehabilitation services, that individuals who receive services under the program must intend to achieve an employment outcome.

34 CFR § 361.5 — Applicable definitions

(b)(15) Employment outcome means, with respect to an individual, entering, advancing in, or retaining full-time or, if appropriate, part-time competitive integrated employment, as defined in paragraph (c )(9) of this section (including customized employment, self-employment, telecommuting, or business ownership), or supported employment as defined in paragraph (c )(53) of this section, that is consistent with an individual’s unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice.

If you are collecting Social Security, then you can use the following.

34 CFR § 361.54 — Participation of individuals in cost of services based on financial need

(b)(3) The designated State unit may not apply a financial needs test, or require the financial participation of the individual -

(ii) As a condition for furnishing any vocational rehabilitation service if the individual in need of the service has been determined eligible for Social Security benefits under titles II or XVI of the Social Security Act.

Money For A Car

If you want a car, you will have to use the following.

34 CFR § 361.48 — Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities

(8) Transportation in connection with the provision of any vocational rehabilitation service and in accordance with the definition of that term in § 361.5(c)(57).

34 CFR § 361.5 — Applicable definitions

(c )(57) (i) Examples. The following are examples of expenses that would meet the definition of transportation. The examples are purely illustrative, do not address all possible circumstances, and are not intended as substitutes for individual counselor judgment.

Example 2: The purchase and repair of vehicles, including vans, but not the modification of these vehicles, as modification would be considered a rehabilitation technology service.


If you want to know about all the services you can attain, then you have to review 34 CFR § 361.5 — Applicable definitions in conjunction with 34 CFR § 361.48 — Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities.

Remember, they do not want to give up any money and will fight you to the end. They will use all kinds of roadblocks and delay tactics.

However, most of the time, the counselors are just following the rules, and the rules are designed to make sure you get as little as possible.

You can ask the Client Assistance Program for help.

In some States, the Client Assistance Program works for the Department of Rehabilitation, and they are not going to go against their boss.

In other States, the Client Assistance Program has prejudices towards certain kinds of disabilities.

In other States, the Client Assistance Program does not know the law.

You will not find a lawyer that knows administrative law because there is no money in it. Administrative Law covers issues such as food stamps, unemployment, Medicaid, section 8 housing. Issues related to the poor.

If you want to know more about Administrative Law, then please see my article called Impartial due process hearing for Vocational Rehabilitation Services — Department of Rehabilitation. What you can do to Win!

Thank you for listening. I really do hope my articles help someone.

Todd Williams



Todd Williams

I am trying to provide information to other that I wished I knew years ago..