Free Life-Saving Advice Before Losing Yourself in a Rebound Relationship

The five stages of a rebound relationship you must know

Lucien Lecarme


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I just had the maddest Sex & Love experience of my life

The most part was freakin amazing.

And now it hurts.

I’ve learned so much from this that I love to share my five best love lessons.

The story is that I’ve been on the receiving side of a woman being in a rebound relationship. This is when a woman or a man (the dumpee) finds a new love straight after the former relationship has been stopped or halted by the dumper.

In my case, the boyfriend threw her out of the apartment. She jumped straight into my arms , my bed and my life.

I share the phases of this rebound relationship, the impact they had on me, and the love lessons and advice you can use when you’re in the same rocky love boat and don’t want to drown in pain.

The first phase

Let’s call this rebound honeymoon. It's better than best. I couldn’t believe what happened to me. In fact, it's still difficult to grasp what exactly happened.

From my perspective, it's meeting the love of your life, your twin soul sister deep over ages lifetimes…



Lucien Lecarme

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