Fresh Food and Super Power

Day #18: 100 Happy Days

Purvee Chauhan


Photo by Alyson McPhee on Unsplash

The pandemic did wonders with people eating home-cooked meals. I also started to appreciate the hot and fresh meals at home. Savoring them with family and, of course, seeing its benefits on my physical and mental well-being. I have also been lucky to work from home, which gives me the time to prepare hot meals. But since it became very usual, I started to underestimate the importance of it already.

Then, in a conversation, I somehow happened to share that I feel successful in having home-cooked meals and I LOVE preparing them. It was a sudden ‘aha’ since it was unexpected. And, that made me cook with a lot more love and attention today. We had two hot, healthy, and fresh meals: Fenugreek with potatoes and rice, and cottage cheese with spinach and Indian bread. What a privilege! (Tbh, pre-pandemic also endowed me with fresh food days, but I didn’t cook them.)

I have learned all my cooking from my mother-in-law and mother, who are both brilliant cooks. They both prepare meals with so much love and care that it tastes 3x better with just that. So grateful to them for sharing their little mantras and love. Not forgetting to mention, my husband, the dearest, is a great sous chef/ supporter and helps me with anything I need help with.



Purvee Chauhan

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince