Friends Are Great

Nidhi Patel
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2020
Friends Are Great
Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Friends are great, aren’t they?

They affect your life in more ways than you probably realize.

Friends walk beside you no matter what the circumstances are and how rough the path is.

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

Friendship is one of the most honest and trustworthy relation that help you live a meaningful life.

It is an investment that improves your bond with the other person and it grows with time. The more you care for it, the happier you will be.

A true friend is a blessing that not everyone has.

A real friend always encourages you and accepts you the way you are. If you have got one, think yourself lucky and give this relationship all it needs to make it blossom with time.

Friends help us get through our lowest moments and celebrate with us during our highest accomplishments.

Having quality friendships can help in reducing health problems such as anxiety and depression. It’s vital for our emotional wellbeing as well.

We have hundreds of friends on social media. What we need is the in-person face to face contact.

We get excited when we get friend requests or likes yet most people hardly make time to schedule an in-person get together to connect.

Even in this crazy modern world, true friends will take the time to be there for you and call you out when you need to hear the truth.

You may have a lot of friends but you’re close to only a few. You have mutual respect, understanding, and admiration.

These are the friends that are part of your girl tribe, the ones you can call at 2 am when you need someone to listen or you’re stuck on the side of the road and you know they’ll come to get you.

Your true friends know what you’re thinking and can complete your sentences. You laugh with them uncontrollably on your own stupid mistakes.

They can also be relied upon for a reality check when you’re shopping for a new outfit. Their wordless stare which means “ yes, your bottom does look big in that! 😅

They think the same as you and say the same thing at the same time.

Sometimes they know you better than you know yourself and can give you honest constructive criticism when you may be your worst critic.

You’re a strong support system for each other. You’ve got each other’s back.

You should feel a sense of safety with them. You should be able to be yourself and voice your opinion and feelings freely. A true friend is happy and excited for you when something good happens to you and will celebrate your wins and achievements with you.

Quality friendships are more important than quantity.

I have a lot of friends but very few that I can count on both hands who I consider my true friends. They understand and get me.

They know me, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Those are the friends who know my character and my heart. I am blessed to have those lifelong friendships.

You should expect that your friends will be there for you like you would for them. However, do not expect that they are there at all times and take up their time or drain their energy by excessively needing them to listen and go on and on. Even friendships have some boundaries.

When you understand each other, you just know. Don’t take your friendships for granted but don’t take advantage either. It’s a give and takes.

Think of those friends closest to you and share this article with them to recall those moments when you bunk your class to watch your favorite movie, those conversations while you both are staring that hot guy in the cafe, that first dish you made together, that conversation where you both are sharing every little thing about your date, when you were sick and they took care of you, when you make fun of each other and that favorite street food.



Nidhi Patel

👩just a girl chasing her dreams. Sharing life lessons✨ and experiences💛