Friends by Reason or Choice?

Have you ever wondered how you become friends with someone?

Shubhangi Narayan
3 min readApr 26, 2024


Picture by - S. Narayan Author

Humans by nature are quite social. We might not be open to everyone we meet, but it’s rare to never make a friend in a lifetime. Be it introverts, ambiverts, or extroverts, we all have people we call friends.

But have you ever wondered how you become friends with people you are friends with? Have you thought about what led you to click with others?

Whatever friends you might have or had, you connect with them for a reason.

You easily click with people who might have a similar thought process as you. They are the ones who you understand because you might have come from a very similar place, or have a similar nature. Those are people with whom you can be real, which might be not perfect but real you. They are the ones who you can relax with and over time you can depend on. They are the ones you need as they feel like your guardian angel. You don’t have to work hard to make them understand you or vice versa. It is one of those easy and simple friendships where you know you are there for each other.

Secondly, you might be friends with someone who can be very different from you. You both might have opposite personalities and tastes. You are friends with them because even though you guys are different, you are better together. They are the ones you need as you help each other build and move forward. Of course, there are clashes but you guys still stick together because you make each other a better person. They help you understand others’ perspectives, which are different from yours, and along with them, you learn how to mold in society.

And then there are people you become friends by choice. You sometimes choose the other person unconsciously. They are ones you probably never agree with or share similar dreams with. You don’t need them for anything and nothing is binding you together per se. But you just bound yourselves together for no absolute reason.

And it’s beautiful, as you are choosing each other even though you might not always understand each other. You have decided to be there for the other person for no reason. You are ready to go that extra mile and do the hard work needed to make things right. You may fight and avoid each other but at the end of the day, you stick together for no absolute reason. Those are the ones you have been choosing consciously or unconsciously for a long time. You just decided to stick with them and that’s it. You are lucky if you have a friend like that.

So, thank all those friends you have and tell them why you are grateful for them. Also, don’t forget to cherish all those precious memories you have collected all along.



Shubhangi Narayan

A Reader, Reviewer, and a Content Writer . Refer me if you like my writing style.